LWP::UserAgent::Caching - HTTP::Casing based UserAgent, finally done right
use LWP::UserAgent::Caching;
my $cache = CHI->new(
driver => 'File',
root_dir => '/tmp/LWP_UserAgent_Caching',
file_extension => '.cache',
l1_cache => {
driver => 'Memory',
global => 1,
max_size => 1024*1024
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent::Caching->new(
http_caching => {
cache => $cache,
type => 'private',
request_directives => (
'max-age=86400', # 24hrs
'min-fresh=60', # not over due within the next minute
# more LWP::UserAgent options
my $rqst = HTTP::Request->new( GET => '' );
$rqst->header( cache_control => 'no-cache' ); # Oh... now we bypass it ?
$rqst->header( accept_language => 'nl, en-GB; q=0.9, en; 0.8, *' );
my $resp = $ua->request($rqst);
gives you RFC compliant caching. It respects the old HTTP/1 headerfields like 'Expires' but also implements the HTTP/1.1 'Cache-Control' directives.
Unlike many other cachng useragents, this one does actually invalidate the cache after a non-error response returned by a non-safe request (like DELETE).
Since it's a subclass of the standard LWP::UserAgent, it inherrits all those. In this module we also implemented the shortcuts from HTTP::Request::Common so that tehy will not call the parrent class
HTTP::Caching The RFC 7234 compliant brains - DO NEVER USE THAT MODULE DIRECTLY