OpenTracing::Interface::Tracer - A role that defines the Tracer interface


package OpenTracing::Implementation::MyBackendService::Tracer;

sub get_scope_manager {

sub get_active_span {

sub start_active_span {

sub start_span {

sub inject_context {

sub extract_context {

    use Role::Tiny::With;
    with 'OpenTracing::Interface::Tracer'
} # check at compile time, perl -c will work



This 'role' describes the interface for any OpenTracing Tracer implementation.

Tracer is the entry point API between instrumentation code and the tracing implementation.



Returns the current ScopeManager, which may be a 'NoOp' implementation but may not be undef.

my $scope_manager = $tracer->get_scope_manager;
Positional Parameter(s)



The scope manager dealing with scope for the integration.

This will return a instance of aNoOp Implementation if no scope manager has been given during instantiation!


This will return the 'active' span.

my $span = $tracer->get_active_span;

A shorthand for $tracer->get_scope_manager->get_active_scope->get_span.

Positional Parameter(s)


Maybe Span

An span object or undef if there is no active scope.


Starts AND activates a Span and returns its Scope.

my $scope = $tracer->start_active_span( 'some work needs to be done',
    child_of                => $span_context,
    references              => [
        ContextReference->new_follows_from( $some_context ),
    tags                    => {
        tag_key_1               => 'tag_value_1',
    start_time              => time,            # default
    ignore_active_span      => 0,               # default
    finish_span_on_close    => 1,               # default
Required Positional Parameter(s)
operation_name, a required Str
Named Options
child_of, a Span or SpanContext


An object of type Span from OpenTracing::Types.


An object of type SpanContext from OpenTracing::Types.

references, as array reference of ContextReferences
tags, a hash reference of Str

a hash reference of tags, the values must be a strings.

start_time, a PositiveOrZeroNum

The (fractional) number off seconds since epoch, and can have decimals, for example, up to nano-seconds accuracy.

ignore_active_span, a Bool

When set to 'true', will not use the current active span when creating an implicit parent span for a missing child_of, otherwise, that would be used.

finish_span_on_close, a Bool

When set to false, it will not be automatically closed when it goes out of scope. This is 'true' by default.


child_of and references are mutual exclusive.


Starts, but does not activate a Span

my $scope = $tracer->start_active_span( 'some work needs to be done',
    child_of                => $span_context,
    references              => [
        ContextReference->new_follows_from( $some_context ),
    tags                    => {
        tag_key_1               => 'tag_value_1',
    start_time              => time,            # default
    ignore_active_span      => 0,               # default
Required Positional Parameter(s)
operation_name, a required Str
Named Options
child_of, a Span or SpanContext


An object of type Span from OpenTracing::Types.


An object of type SpanContext from OpenTracing::Types.

references, as array reference of ContextReferences
tags, a hash reference of Str

a hash reference of tags, the values must be a strings.

start_time, a PositiveOrZeroNum

The (fractional) number off seconds since epoch, and can have decimals, for example, up to nano-seconds accuracy.

ignore_active_span, a Bool

When set to 'true', will not use the current active span when creating an implicit parent span for a missing child_of, otherwise, that would be used.


child_of and references are mutual exclusive.


Takes a SpanContext and takes the bits that are of interest, and injects them into a cloned carrier.

my $span_context = $tracer->get_active_span->get_context;

use HTTP::Headers;
my $http_headers = HTTP::Headers->new( ... );

my $cntx_headers =
    $tracer->inject_context( $http_headers, $opentracing_spancontext );

my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
    GET => 'https://...', $cntx_headers
my response = LWP::UserAgent->request( $request );

The $carier will be a best effort clone, because immutable object should be the right thing to have.

Depending on the implementation items that will be injected are things like trace_id, span_id and possibly all the baggage_items.

Required Positional Parameter(s)

Most likely, a 'object' but a plain array or hash reference should be acceptable too and will have the implementation specific key/value pairs added.

Optional Positional Parameter(s)
span_context, An optional SpanContext

The span context containing the the information that needs to be added to the carrier.

If omited, the context of the active span will be used.

Object or otherwise <Defined>

A cloned version of the carrier with the - for the implementation relevent - injected context items.


Extract the tracer relevant information from a $carrier and return it as a SpanContext.

get '/some_service' => sub {
    my $http_headers = YourFramework->request->headers;
    my $opentracing_context = $TRACER->extract_context( $http_headers );

This may return undef iff the carrier can be understood, and no relevant information could be detected. This usually happens at incomming request that are not part of a ditributed service.

Required Positional Parameter(s)

Most likely, a 'object' but a plain array or hash reference containing implementation specific key/value pairs should be acceptable too.

Maybe SpanContext



Describes the API definition for OpenTransport implementations written in the Perl5 language.


A library of Type::Tiny type constraints that provides Duck Type checks for all common elements that conform OpenTracing::Interface


This description is using around method modifiers that basically wraps them around the real implementation. These method modifiers provide a 'readable' and reusable interface, describing the inputs and outputs, using type constraints.

Consumers of this role, or implementors of the interface are MUST implement each method mentioned below. Not doing so will result in compilation errors.

Since this role does nothing else than checking input and output, it is useful during development. Most likely it can be switched off safely in production environments.


Theo van Hoesel <>


'OpenTracing API for Perl' is Copyright (C) 2019 .. 2020, Perceptyx Inc

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.

For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.