OpenTracing::Manual::Instrumentation - For Application developers and Devops


This part of the OpenTracing::Manual is about how to setup OpenTracing inside an exisiting (web) application and add more detailed instrumentation to specific parts of the code.


"<Adding OpenTracing to your Application"
"Getting Access to the bootstrapped Tracer"
"Use of Baggage Items for Request Parameters"
"Manually adding Spans"


Adding OpenTracing to your Application

From the point of view for application developers that want to add instrumentation, most likely it is just a matter of adding the right plugin to your framework or useragent.

use YourFramework::Plugin::OpenTracing;
# use OPENTRACING_IMPLEMENTATION environment variable to select which.

This will bootstrap a Tracer Implementation, use extract_context and start_active_span with any already existing Tracer information.

If your microservices are 'small' and 'shallow' this might be just enough what you need. However, you will only get tracer information on the level provided by the plugin. That is, probably just one single rootspan. Some framework plugins might add another layer on top of that rootspan, like a setup-span, a run-span, a render-span, and a teardown-span.

Incase you want more detailed information, see the next.

Getting Access to the bootstrapped Tracer

To get access to the Tracer, there are two ways to do so:

use OpenTracing::GlobalTracer qw/$TRACER/;
# which might be `undef` if not yet bootstrapped

Or use a more reliable way:

use aliased OpenTracing::GlobalTracer;

my $tracer = GlobalTracer->get_global_tracer;
# which will always return a tracer (or croak)

In the latter approach, it may return a OpenTracing::Implementation::NoOp as defined in the specs. But at least your application won't break because of some badly bootstrapped tracer, and 'production' can continue running.

In the examples below, $TRACER will be used, but you should have used the class method to get one.

Use of Baggage Items for Request Parameters

During some setup-stage, add Baggage Items, using set_baggage_item

my $customer_id = YourFramwork->request->query_param('customer_id);
    ->set_baggage_item( customer_id => $customer_id );

Those Baggage Items will be progressed into all descendent spans and delivered to the Tracing Provider.

Manually adding Spans

If you like to get more detail, you can add more Spans. For simplicity, Spans do live inside a Scope, handled by a ScopeManager. Starting a Span will return a Scope. According to the spec, once finished the scope this Span lives in, one needs to call close.

sub exciting_task {
    my $_scope = $TRACER->start_active_span( "exiting task" );

This can be annoying and even terrible if there are multiple exit points, using return early concepts, or when bailing out halfway.

This being Perl, we can do better using OpenTracing::AutoScope:

use OpenTracing::AutoScope;

sub exciting_task {

See start_active_span for all the options you can pass in.



A role that defines the Tracer interface.


A quick overview about Perl5 and OpenTracing


For Framework or Integration Developers


For Tracing Service Implementations


An overview of the OpenTracing puzzle pieces.

OpenTracing Overview

The OpenTracing API standard.


Theo van Hoesel <>


'OpenTracing API for Perl' is Copyright (C) 2019 .. 2020, Perceptyx Inc

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.

For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.