Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Manifest-Read
v0.3.4 @ 2015-10-22 13:20 UTC
- Distribution is rebuilt with the latest `Dist::Zilla` plugin bundle `@Author::VDB` v0.10.0.
It includes few more tests. Most of the changes are made to make these new tests pass.
- `use version 0.77;` added. Just in case.
- Bad link found by the `Test::Pod::LinkCheck`, bad link fixed, `Test::Pod::LinkCheck`
- Test uses `# REQUIRE:` hint instead of direct `use`.
- Explicit requiring `Dist::Zilla::Tester::DieHard` v0.4.0 (added in v0.3.0) now dropped.
The problem debugged and fixed, there is no need in this requirement any more.
- Test code simplified a bit.
- `aspell.en.pws` file renamed to `aspell-en.pws` to make `Test::Portability` happy.
- Minor fixes in POD to make `Test::Synopsis` happy.
v0.3.3 @ 2015-10-03 11:56 UTC
- Documentation improved a bit.
- Cygwin also has troubles with filenames containing backslashes. Such filenames are not used
when tests run on Cygwin.
- Version v0.3.3 of `Test::Dist::Zilla::BuiltFiles` is explicitly required — it contains a
workaround for `Path::Tiny` bug which affects tests.
v0.3.2 @ 2015-09-25 21:26 UTC
- On MSWin32 platform `Dist::Zilla` rejects filenames containing backslashes with error "File
name 'source/filename\3' does not seem to be legal on the current OS". To avoid test
failure, let's exclude such names from testing on the problem platform.
v0.3.1 @ 2015-09-23 11:45 UTC
- Mostly internal changes:
- `log_errors_in_file` (from `ErrorLogger`) utilized. Error messages are slightly
- Bunch of obsolete source files removed.
- A typo found and fixed in the test. Not sure it affects test failure on MSWin32, but
let me see.
v0.3.0 @ 2015-09-20 21:56 UTC
- The test does not explicitly use but requires `Dist::Zilla::Tester::DieHard` v0.4.0 because
the latter includes few debug warnings which (I hope) help me to debug strange test failure
on MSWin32 machines.
- Decimal version switched to new dotted-decimal style.
0.002 @ 2015-08-29 18:32 UTC
- Bug #106739 "Test suite may fail with non-English locale". Fixed.
0.001 @ 2015-08-28 21:09 UTC
- Initial release