Changes for version v0.3.4 - 2015-10-22
- Overall
- Distribution is rebuilt with the latest `Dist::Zilla` plugin bundle `@Author::VDB` v0.10.0. It includes few more tests. Most of the changes are made to make these new tests pass.
- Code
- `use version 0.77;` added. Just in case.
- Documentation
- Bad link found by the `Test::Pod::LinkCheck`, bad link fixed, `Test::Pod::LinkCheck` passes.
- Tests
- Test uses `# REQUIRE:` hint instead of direct `use`.
- Explicit requiring `Dist::Zilla::Tester::DieHard` v0.4.0 (added in v0.3.0) now dropped. The problem debugged and fixed, there is no need in this requirement any more.
- Test code simplified a bit.
- Internals
- `aspell.en.pws` file renamed to `aspell-en.pws` to make `Test::Portability` happy.
- Minor fixes in POD to make `Test::Synopsis` happy.
Manifest::Read plugin user manual
Read annotated source manifest