# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# file: lib/Dist/Zilla/Role/TextTemplater/ReadMe.pod
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod Copyright © 2015 Van de Bugger
#pod This file is part of perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater.
#pod perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#pod it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#pod Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#pod perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#pod WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
#pod PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#pod You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#pod perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pod =cut
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# PODNAME: Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::ReadMe
# ABSTRACT: C<TextTemplater> readme
#pod =for :this This is C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> readme. It covers general topics like getting source, building,
#pod installing, bug reporting and some others.
#pod =for :that If you are using a C<TextTemplater>-based plugin, read the
#pod L<manual|Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::Manual>. If you want to have text templating capabilities in your Dist::Zilla plugin, hack or extend
#pod C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>, read the L<module documentation|Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater>.
#pod =head1 SEE ALSO
#pod =for :list
#pod = L<Dist::Zilla>
#pod = L<Dist::Zilla::Role>
#pod = L<Text::Template>
#pod =cut
# doc/what.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 WHAT?
#pod C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is a C<Dist::Zilla> role, a replacement for standard role C<TextTemplate>. Both
#pod roles have the same great C<Text::Template> engine under the hood, but this one provides better
#pod control over the engine and much better error reporting.
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/why.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 WHY?
#pod C<TextTemplate> role from C<Dist::Zilla> distribution v5.037 has the same great C<Text::Template>
#pod engine under the hood, but lacks of control and has I<awful> error reporting.
#pod =head2 Error Reporting
#pod Let us consider an example. Have a look at F<dist.ini>:
#pod name = Assa
#pod version = 0.001
#pod [GatherDir]
#pod [PruneCruft]
#pod [GenerateFile/COPYING]
#pod filename = COPYING
#pod content = This is {{$dist->name}}.
#pod content =
#pod content = {{$dst->license->notice}}
#pod is_template = 1
#pod [TemplateFiles]
#pod filename = lib/Assa.pm
#pod filename = lib/Assa/Manual.pod
#pod [MetaResources::Template]
#pod license = {{$dist->license->url}}
#pod …
#pod …
#pod (Do you see a typo? Real F<dist.ini> can be much longer.) Now let us build the distribution:
#pod $ dzil build
#pod [DZ] beginning to build Assa
#pod Can't call method "license" on an undefined value at template line 3.
#pod Oops. Ok, it is clear what was happened, but where?? The only weak clue is word "template".
#pod However, there are many templates in the project: F<lib/Assa.pm>, F<lib/Assa/Manual.pod>, generated
#pod on-the-fly F<COPYING>, and even resources in F<META.yml> — all this stuff is generated from
#pod templates. Where is the problem? Have a happy bug hunting, dude.
#pod If these plugins (namely, C<GenerateFile>, C<TemplateFiles> and C<MetaResources::Template>) were
#pod written with C<TextTemplateB<r>> role, result would be:
#pod $ dzil build
#pod [DZ] beginning to build Assa
#pod [COPYING] Can't call method "license" on an undefined value at template line 3.
#pod [COPYING] Problem code fragment begins at template line 3.
#pod [COPYING] Template text:
#pod [COPYING] 1: This is {{$dist->name}}.
#pod [COPYING] 2:
#pod [COPYING] >>> 3: {{$dst->license->notice}}
#pod Aborting...
#pod See the difference.
#pod =head2 Engine Control
#pod C<TextTemplater> allows the end-user to specify C<package> and C<prepender> engine options from
#pod F<dist.ini> file, while C<TextTemplate> allows to specify C<prepender> only programmatically, and
#pod does I<not> allow to specify C<package>.
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/naming.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 NAMING
#pod C<perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is official software name.
#pod However, in Perl world prefix "perl-" is redundant and not used. For example, on
#pod L<meta::cpan|https://metacpan.org/> this software is named as C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>. In the rest of the
#pod documentation shortened name C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is used as synonym for full name
#pod C<perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>. We are in the Perl world, aren't we?
#pod You may notice that name may be spelled with dashes (C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>) or with double colons
#pod (C<Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater>). Strictly speaking, there is difference: the first one is software name,
#pod while the second is name of Perl package, but often these names are interchangeable especially if
#pod software consists of single package.
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/forms.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 FORMS
#pod You may face C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> in I<source> or I<distribution> forms.
#pod If you are going to have text templating capabilities in your Dist::Zilla plugin, you will likely be interested in I<using> C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>
#pod I<distribution>. If you are going to I<develop> (or I<hack>) the C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> itself, you will
#pod likely need the I<source>, not distribution.
#pod Since Perl is an interpreting language, modules in the distribution I<look> like sources. Actually,
#pod they are Perl source files. But they are not I<actual> sources, because they are I<built>
#pod (preprocessed or generated) by L<Dist-Zilla>.
#pod How to distinguish source and distribution:
#pod =over
#pod =item *
#pod Source may contain Mercurial files and directories F<.hgignore>, F<.hgtags>, F<.hg/>, while
#pod distribution should not.
#pod =item *
#pod Source should contain files F<dist.ini>, F<weaver.ini>, while distribution may not.
#pod =item *
#pod Source should I<not> contain F<xt/> directory, while distribution should.
#pod =item *
#pod Name of source directory does I<not> include version (e. g. C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>), while name of
#pod distribution does (e. g. C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007>).
#pod =back
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/source.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 SOURCE
#pod C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source is in Mercurial repository hosted on fedorapeople.org. To clone the entire
#pod repository:
#pod perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater
#pod =head2 Source Files
#pod C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source files usually include a comment near the top of the file:
#pod This file is part of perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater.
#pod Not all source files are included into distribution. Some source files are used at distribution
#pod build time only, and not required for installation.
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/distribution.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 DISTRIBUTION
#pod C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> distributions are published on L<CPAN|https://metacpan.org/release/Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>.
#pod =head2 Generated Files
#pod Distribution may contain files preprocessed or generated by C<Dist-Zilla> and its plugins. Some
#pod generated files are made from C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source, but some are generated from third-party
#pod templates. Files generated from third-party templates usually include a comment near the top of the
#pod file:
#pod This file was generated with NAME
#pod (where I<NAME> is a name of the plugin generated the file). Such files are I<not> part of
#pod C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source, and C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> copyright and license are not applicable to such
#pod files.
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/installing.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 INSTALLING
#pod =head2 With C<cpanm>
#pod C<cpanm> tool is (probably) the easiest way to install distribution. It automates downloading,
#pod building, testing, installing, and uninstalling.
#pod To install the latest version from CPAN:
#pod $ cpanm Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
#pod To install a specific version (e. g. I<0.007>) from CPAN:
#pod $ cpanm Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater@0.007
#pod To install locally available distribution (e. g. previously downloaded from CPAN or built from
#pod sources):
#pod $ cpanm ./Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007.tar.gz
#pod To uninstall the distribution:
#pod $ cpanm -U Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
#pod =head2 Manually
#pod To install distribution tarball manually (let us assume you have version I<0.007> of the
#pod distribution):
#pod $ tar xaf Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007.tar.gz
#pod $ cd Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007
#pod $ perl Build.PL
#pod $ ./Build build
#pod $ ./Build test
#pod $ ./Build install
#pod =head2 See Also
#pod L<How to install CPAN modules|http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html>
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/hacking.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 HACKING
#pod For hacking, you will need Mercurial, Perl interpreter and C<Dist-Zilla> (with some plugins), and
#pod likely C<cpanm> to install missed parts.
#pod Clone the repository first:
#pod perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater
#pod $ cd perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater
#pod To build a distribution from the source, run:
#pod $ dzil build
#pod If required C<Dist-Zilla> plugins are missed, C<dzil> tool will warn you and show the command to
#pod install all the required plugins, e. g.:
#pod Required plugin Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::EOL isn't installed.
#pod Run 'dzil authordeps' to see a list of all required plugins.
#pod You can pipe the list to your CPAN client to install or update them:
#pod dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
#pod To run the tests:
#pod $ dzil test
#pod To run all the tests, including release tests:
#pod $ dzil test --release
#pod To install the distribution:
#pod $ dzil install
#pod or
#pod $ cpanm ./Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-VERSION.tar.gz
#pod where I<VERSION> is a version of built distribution.
#pod To clean the directory:
#pod $ dzil clean
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/documentation.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head2 Online
#pod The easiest way is browsing the documentation L<online at meta::cpan|https://metacpan.org/release/Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>.
#pod =head2 Locally Installed
#pod If you have the distribution installed, use C<perldoc> tool to browse locally
#pod installed documentation:
#pod $ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::ReadMe
#pod $ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::Manual
#pod $ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
#pod =head2 Built from Source
#pod Build C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> first (see L</"HACKING">), then:
#pod $ cd Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-VERSION
#pod $ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::ReadMe
#pod $ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::Manual
#pod $ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
#pod where I<VERSION> is a version of built distribution.
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/feedback.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 FEEDBACK
#pod =head2 CPAN Request Tracker
#pod The quickest way to report a bug in C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is by sending email to bug-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater [at]
#pod rt.cpan.org.
#pod CPAN request tracker can be used via web interface also:
#pod =over
#pod Browsing bugs does not require authentication.
#pod You need to be a CPAN author, have a L<BitCard|https://www.bitcard.org/> account, or OpenID in
#pod order to report bugs via the web interface.
#pod (On 2015-04-27 I have logged in successfully with my LiveJournal OpenID, but my Google OpenID did
#pod not work for CPAN. I did not check other OpenID providers.)
#pod =back
#pod =head2 Send Email to Author
#pod As a last resort, send email to author: Van de Bugger <van.de.bugger@gmail.com>. Please start message subject with
#pod "perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater:".
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# doc/generic/glossary.pod #
#pod =encoding UTF-8
#pod =head1 GLOSSARY
#pod =over
#pod =item CPAN
#pod Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, a B<large> collection of Perl software and documentation. See
#pod L<cpan.org|http://www.cpan.org>, L<What is
#pod =item Distribution
#pod Tarball, containing Perl modules and accompanying files (documentation, metainfo, tests). Usually
#pod distributions are uploaded to CPAN, and can be installed with dedicated tools (C<cpan>, C<cpanm>,
#pod and others).
#pod =item Module
#pod Perl library file, usually with C<.pm> suffix. Usually contains one package. See
#pod =item Package
#pod Perl language construct. See L<package|http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/package.html> and
#pod =back
#pod =cut
# end of file #
# end of file #
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::ReadMe - C<TextTemplater> readme
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.003, released on 2015-07-22 12:56 UTC.
=head1 WHAT?
C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is a C<Dist::Zilla> role, a replacement for standard role C<TextTemplate>. Both
roles have the same great C<Text::Template> engine under the hood, but this one provides better
control over the engine and much better error reporting.
This is C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> readme. It covers general topics like getting source, building,
installing, bug reporting and some others.
If you are using a C<TextTemplater>-based plugin, read the
L<manual|Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::Manual>. If you want to have text templating capabilities in your Dist::Zilla plugin, hack or extend
C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>, read the L<module documentation|Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater>.
=head1 WHY?
C<TextTemplate> role from C<Dist::Zilla> distribution v5.037 has the same great C<Text::Template>
engine under the hood, but lacks of control and has I<awful> error reporting.
=head2 Error Reporting
Let us consider an example. Have a look at F<dist.ini>:
name = Assa
version = 0.001
filename = COPYING
content = This is {{$dist->name}}.
content =
content = {{$dst->license->notice}}
is_template = 1
filename = lib/Assa.pm
filename = lib/Assa/Manual.pod
license = {{$dist->license->url}}
(Do you see a typo? Real F<dist.ini> can be much longer.) Now let us build the distribution:
$ dzil build
[DZ] beginning to build Assa
Can't call method "license" on an undefined value at template line 3.
Oops. Ok, it is clear what was happened, but where?? The only weak clue is word "template".
However, there are many templates in the project: F<lib/Assa.pm>, F<lib/Assa/Manual.pod>, generated
on-the-fly F<COPYING>, and even resources in F<META.yml> — all this stuff is generated from
templates. Where is the problem? Have a happy bug hunting, dude.
If these plugins (namely, C<GenerateFile>, C<TemplateFiles> and C<MetaResources::Template>) were
written with C<TextTemplateB<r>> role, result would be:
$ dzil build
[DZ] beginning to build Assa
[COPYING] Can't call method "license" on an undefined value at template line 3.
[COPYING] Problem code fragment begins at template line 3.
[COPYING] Template text:
[COPYING] 1: This is {{$dist->name}}.
[COPYING] >>> 3: {{$dst->license->notice}}
See the difference.
=head2 Engine Control
C<TextTemplater> allows the end-user to specify C<package> and C<prepender> engine options from
F<dist.ini> file, while C<TextTemplate> allows to specify C<prepender> only programmatically, and
does I<not> allow to specify C<package>.
=head1 NAMING
C<perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is official software name.
However, in Perl world prefix "perl-" is redundant and not used. For example, on
L<meta::cpan|https://metacpan.org/> this software is named as C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>. In the rest of the
documentation shortened name C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is used as synonym for full name
C<perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>. We are in the Perl world, aren't we?
You may notice that name may be spelled with dashes (C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>) or with double colons
(C<Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater>). Strictly speaking, there is difference: the first one is software name,
while the second is name of Perl package, but often these names are interchangeable especially if
software consists of single package.
=head1 FORMS
You may face C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> in I<source> or I<distribution> forms.
If you are going to have text templating capabilities in your Dist::Zilla plugin, you will likely be interested in I<using> C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>
I<distribution>. If you are going to I<develop> (or I<hack>) the C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> itself, you will
likely need the I<source>, not distribution.
Since Perl is an interpreting language, modules in the distribution I<look> like sources. Actually,
they are Perl source files. But they are not I<actual> sources, because they are I<built>
(preprocessed or generated) by L<Dist-Zilla>.
How to distinguish source and distribution:
=item *
Source may contain Mercurial files and directories F<.hgignore>, F<.hgtags>, F<.hg/>, while
distribution should not.
=item *
Source should contain files F<dist.ini>, F<weaver.ini>, while distribution may not.
=item *
Source should I<not> contain F<xt/> directory, while distribution should.
=item *
Name of source directory does I<not> include version (e. g. C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>), while name of
distribution does (e. g. C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007>).
=head1 SOURCE
C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source is in Mercurial repository hosted on fedorapeople.org. To clone the entire
=head2 Source Files
C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source files usually include a comment near the top of the file:
This file is part of perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater.
Not all source files are included into distribution. Some source files are used at distribution
build time only, and not required for installation.
C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> distributions are published on L<CPAN|https://metacpan.org/release/Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>.
=head2 Generated Files
Distribution may contain files preprocessed or generated by C<Dist-Zilla> and its plugins. Some
generated files are made from C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source, but some are generated from third-party
templates. Files generated from third-party templates usually include a comment near the top of the
This file was generated with NAME
(where I<NAME> is a name of the plugin generated the file). Such files are I<not> part of
C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> source, and C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> copyright and license are not applicable to such
=head2 With C<cpanm>
C<cpanm> tool is (probably) the easiest way to install distribution. It automates downloading,
building, testing, installing, and uninstalling.
To install the latest version from CPAN:
$ cpanm Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
To install a specific version (e. g. I<0.007>) from CPAN:
$ cpanm Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater@0.007
To install locally available distribution (e. g. previously downloaded from CPAN or built from
$ cpanm ./Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007.tar.gz
To uninstall the distribution:
$ cpanm -U Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
=head2 Manually
To install distribution tarball manually (let us assume you have version I<0.007> of the
$ tar xaf Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007.tar.gz
$ cd Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-0.007
$ perl Build.PL
$ ./Build build
$ ./Build test
$ ./Build install
=head2 See Also
L<How to install CPAN modules|http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html>
=head1 HACKING
For hacking, you will need Mercurial, Perl interpreter and C<Dist-Zilla> (with some plugins), and
likely C<cpanm> to install missed parts.
Clone the repository first:
$ cd perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater
To build a distribution from the source, run:
$ dzil build
If required C<Dist-Zilla> plugins are missed, C<dzil> tool will warn you and show the command to
install all the required plugins, e. g.:
Required plugin Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::EOL isn't installed.
Run 'dzil authordeps' to see a list of all required plugins.
You can pipe the list to your CPAN client to install or update them:
dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
To run the tests:
$ dzil test
To run all the tests, including release tests:
$ dzil test --release
To install the distribution:
$ dzil install
$ cpanm ./Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-VERSION.tar.gz
where I<VERSION> is a version of built distribution.
To clean the directory:
$ dzil clean
=head2 Online
The easiest way is browsing the documentation L<online at meta::cpan|https://metacpan.org/release/Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater>.
=head2 Locally Installed
If you have the distribution installed, use C<perldoc> tool to browse locally
installed documentation:
$ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::ReadMe
$ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::Manual
$ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
=head2 Built from Source
Build C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> first (see L</"HACKING">), then:
$ cd Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater-VERSION
$ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::ReadMe
$ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater::Manual
$ perldoc Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplater
where I<VERSION> is a version of built distribution.
=head2 CPAN Request Tracker
The quickest way to report a bug in C<Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater> is by sending email to bug-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater [at]
CPAN request tracker can be used via web interface also:
Browsing bugs does not require authentication.
You need to be a CPAN author, have a L<BitCard|https://www.bitcard.org/> account, or OpenID in
order to report bugs via the web interface.
(On 2015-04-27 I have logged in successfully with my LiveJournal OpenID, but my Google OpenID did
not work for CPAN. I did not check other OpenID providers.)
=head2 Send Email to Author
As a last resort, send email to author: Van de Bugger <van.de.bugger@gmail.com>. Please start message subject with
=item CPAN
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, a B<large> collection of Perl software and documentation. See
L<cpan.org|http://www.cpan.org>, L<What is
=item Distribution
Tarball, containing Perl modules and accompanying files (documentation, metainfo, tests). Usually
distributions are uploaded to CPAN, and can be installed with dedicated tools (C<cpan>, C<cpanm>,
and others).
=item Module
Perl library file, usually with C<.pm> suffix. Usually contains one package. See
=item Package
Perl language construct. See L<package|http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/package.html> and
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item L<Dist::Zilla>
=item L<Dist::Zilla::Role>
=item L<Text::Template>
=head1 AUTHOR
Van de Bugger <van.de.bugger@gmail.com>
Copyright © 2015 Van de Bugger
This file is part of perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater.
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.