Net::SNMPTrapd - Perl implementation of SNMP Trap Listener


use Net::SNMPTrapd;

my $snmptrapd = Net::SNMPTrapd->new()
  or die "Error creating SNMPTrapd listener: %s", Net::SNMPTrapd->error;

while (1) {
    my $trap;
    if (!($trap = $snmptrapd->get_trap())) { next }

    if (!(defined($trap->process_trap()))) {
        printf "$0: %s\n", Net::SNMPTrapd->error
    } else {
        printf "%s\t%i\t%i\t%s\n", 


Net::SNMPTrapd is a class implementing a simple SNMP Trap listener in Perl. Net::SNMPTrapd will accept traps on the default SNMP Trap port (UDP 162) and attempts to decode them. Net::SNMPTrapd supports SNMP v1 and v2c traps.

Net::SNMPTrapd uses Convert::ASN1 by Graham Barr to do the decoding.


new() - create a new Net::SNMPTrapd object

my $snmptrapd = new Net::SNMPTrapd([OPTIONS]);


my $snmptrapd = Net::SNMPTrapd->new([OPTIONS]);

Create a new Net::SNMPTrapd object with OPTIONS as optional parameters. Valid options are:

Option     Description                            Default
------     -----------                            -------
-LocalAddr Interface to bind to                       any
-LocalPort Port to bind server to                     162
-Timeout   Timeout in seconds to wait for request      10

get_trap() - listen for SNMP traps

my $trap = $snmptrapd->get_trap();

Listen for a SNMP trap. Timeout after default or user specified timeout set in new method and return '0'; else, return is defined.

process_trap() - process received SNMP trap


Process a received SNMP trap. Varbinds are extracted and processed as SNMP ASN.1 types.

This can also be called as a procedure if one is inclined to write their own UDP listener instead of using get_trap(). For example:

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( blah blah blah );
$sock->recv($buffer, 1500);
$trap = Net::SNMPTrapd->process_trap($buffer);

In either instantiation, allows the following methods to be called.

datagram() - return datagram from SNMP trap


Return the raw datagram received from a processed (process_trap()) SNMP trap.

peeraddr() - return remote address from SNMP trap


Return peer address value from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP trap. This is the address from the IP header on the UDP datagram.

peerport() - return remote port from SNMP trap


Return peer port value from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP trap. This is the port from the IP header on the UDP datagram.

version() - return version from SNMP trap


Return SNMP Trap version from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP trap.

NOTE: This module only decodes SNMP v1 and v2c traps.

community() - return community from SNMP trap


Return community string from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP trap.

varbinds() - return varbinds from SNMP trap


Return varbinds from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP trap. This returns a pointer to an array containing a hash as each array element. The key/value pairs of each hash are the OID/value pairs for each varbind in the received trap.

An example extraction of the varbind data is provided:

for my $vals (@{$trap->varbinds}) {
    for (keys(%{$vals})) {
        $p .= sprintf "%s: %s; ", $_, $vals->{$_}
print "$p\n";

The above code will print the varbinds as:

OID: val; OID: val; OID: val; [...]


The following methods are SNMP v1 trap specific.

ent_OID() - return enterprise OID from SNMP v1 trap


Return enterprise OID from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v1 trap.

agentaddr() - return agent address from SNMP v1 trap


Return agent address from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v1 trap.

generic_trap() - return generic trap from SNMP v1 trap


Return generic trap type from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v1 trap. This is the text representation of the generic trap type. For the raw number, use the optional boolean argument.

specific_trap() - return specific trap from SNMP v1 trap


Return specific trap type from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v1 trap.

timeticks() - return timeticks from SNMP v1 trap


Return timeticks from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v1 trap.


The following methods are SNMP v2c trap specific.

request_ID() - return request ID from SNMP v2c trap


Return request ID from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v2c trap.

error_status() - return error status from SNMP v2c trap


Return error_status from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v2c trap.

error_index() - return error index from SNMP v2c trap


Return error index from a received and processed (process_trap()) SNMP v2c trap.

error() - return last error

printf "Error: %s\n", Net::SNMPTrapd->error;

Return last error.


None by default.


Simple SNMP Trap Server

This example implements a simple SNMP Trap server that listens on the default port and prints received messages to the console.

use Net::SNMPTrapd;

my $snmptrapd = Net::SNMPTrapd->new()
  or die "Error creating SNMPTrapd listener: %s", Net::SNMPTrapd->error;

while (1) {
    my $trap;
    if (!($trap = $snmptrapd->get_trap())) { next }

    if (!(defined($trap->process_trap()))) {
        printf "$0: %s\n", Net::SNMPTrapd->error
    } else {
        my $p = sprintf "%s\t%i\t%i\t%s\t", 
        if ($trap->version == 1) {
            $p .= sprintf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", 
        } else {
            $p .= sprintf "%s\t%s\t%s\t", 
        for my $varbind (@{$trap->varbinds}) {
            for (keys(%{$varbind})) {
          # Here, one could use a MIB translation table or 
          # Perl module to map OID's ($_) to text and values 
          # ($varbind->{$_}) to applicable meanings or metrics.
          # This example just prints -> OID: val; OID: val; ...
                $p .= sprintf "%s: %s; ", $_, $varbind->{$_}
        print "$p\n"




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Copyright (C) Michael Vincent 2010

All rights reserved