Revision history for Perl extension Net::Syslogd.
0.01 Fri Jan 8 18:29:48 2010
original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
b 5.6.1 -v 0.01 -XAn Net::Syslogd
0.02 Wed Jan 13 19:29:48 2010
Updated dependences to include IO::Socket and Test::Simple
Updated test plan to not fail if sockets can't be opened.
Instead, print error message about Syslog already on UDP 514
and exit gracefully.
Corrected POD documentation inconsistencies and spelling.
Updated process_message() to allow calling as subroutine.
0.03 Mon Jan 18 16:29:48 2010
Allowed legacy and case insensitive calling of switches.
0.04 Fri Oct 15 23:30:00 2010
Added PDU size and timeout options to get_message() method.
Updated regex in process_message() and added regex for user
defined regex to be passed in.
Updated bin/ scripts.