DBIx::DBO - An OO interface to SQL queries and results. Easily constructs SQL queries, and simplifies processing of the returned data.


use DBIx::DBO;

# Create the DBO
my $dbo = DBIx::DBO->connect('DBI:mysql:my_db', 'me', 'mypasswd') or die $DBI::errstr;

# Create a "readonly" connection - useful for a slave database
$dbo->connect_readonly('DBI:mysql:my_db', 'me', 'mypasswd') or die $DBI::errstr;

# Start with a Query object
my $query = $dbo->query('my_table');

# Find records with an 'o' in the name
$query->where('name', 'LIKE', '%o%');

# And with an id that is less than 500
$query->where('id', '<', 500);

# Exluding those with an age range from 20 to 29
$query->where('age', 'NOT BETWEEN', [20, 29]);

# Return only the first 10 rows

# Fetch the rows
while (my $row = $query->fetch) {

    # Use the row as an array reference
    printf "id=%d  name=%s  status=%s\n", $row->[0], $row->[1], $row->[4];

    # Or as a hash reference
    print 'id=', $row->{id}, "\n", 'name=', $row->{name};

    # Update/delete rows
    $row->update(status => 'Fired!') if $row->{name} eq 'Harry';
    $row->delete if $record->{id} == 27;

# Join tables (INNER JOIN)
my ($query, $table1, $table2, $table3) = $dbo->query('my_table', 't2', 'third');
$query->join_on($table2 ** 'parent_id', '=', $table3 ** 'child_id');

# Join tables (LEFT JOIN)
my ($query, $table1) = $dbo->query('my_table');
my $table2 = $query->join_table('another_table', 'LEFT');
$query->join_on($table2 ** 'parent_id', '=', $table1 ** 'child_id');


This module provides a convenient and efficient way to access a database. It can construct queries for you and returns the results in easy to use methods.



$global_setting = DBIx::DBO->config($option);
DBIx::DBO->config($option => $global_setting);

Get or set the global config settings. When setting an option, the previous value is returned.


$dbo = DBIx::DBO->connect($data_source, $username, $password, \%attr)
    or die $DBI::errstr;

Takes the same arguments as DBI->connect for a read-write connection to a database. It returns the DBIx::DBO object if the connection succeeds or undefined on failure.


Takes the same arguments as connect for a read-only connection to a database. It returns the DBIx::DBO object if the connection succeeds or undefined on failure.

Both connect & connect_readonly can be called on a DBIx::DBO object to add that respective connection to create a DBIx::DBO with both read-write and read-only connections.

my $dbo = DBIx::DBO->connect($master_dsn, $username, $password, \%attr)
    or die $DBI::errstr;
$dbo->connect_readonly($slave_dsn, $username, $password, \%attr)
    or die $DBI::errstr;


Vernon Lyon, <vlyon at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-dbix-dbo at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc DBIx::DBO

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2009 Vernon Lyon, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.