use strict;
use utf8;
=encoding UTF8
=head1 NAME
C<crawl-api-doc.pl> - Script to read Spotify documentation page and generate classes based on endpoints and objects.
perl scripts/crawl-api-doc.pl -e -o
This script gets Spotify documentation page and parse it to extract available endpoints and objects
that Spotify API supports.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<-d> I<https://spotify/doc/web-api/>, B<--docs-uri>=I<Docs URI>
=item B<-e>, B<--endpoint-gen>
If exists it will generate endpoint classes based on parsed response.
=item B<-o>, B<--object-gen>
If exists it will generate object classes based on parsed response.
=item B<-i>, B<--init-class>
If exists it will Generate/Overwrite Main classes for objects and endpoint
Caution only use this option to rewrite main classes.
=item B<-j>, B<--only-json>
If exists it will only print out Spotify enpoints and object structure as JSON.
Good to be piped to `jq` in order to view Spotify API structure
=item B<-l> I<debug>, B<--log-level>=I<info>
Log level used.
use Log::Any qw($log);
use URI;
use Module::Runtime qw(require_module);
use JSON::MaybeUTF8 qw(:v1);
'e|endpoint-gen' => \my $endpoint_gen,
'o|object-gen' => \my $object_gen,
'i|init-class' => \my $init_class,
'l|log-level=s' => \(my $log_level = 'info'),
'j|only-json' => \my $only_json,
'h|help' => \my $help,
Log::Any::Adapter->set( qw(Stdout), log_level => $log_level );
-verbose => 99,
) if $help;
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
fail_on_error => 1,
close_after_request => 0,
max_connections_per_host => 2,
pipeline => 1,
max_in_flight => 4,
decode_content => 1,
stall_timeout => 15,
user_agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (perl; Net::Async::Spotify; VNEALV@cpan.org)',
my $docs_resonse = await $http->do_request(uri => URI->new($docs_uri));
my $docs_dom = Mojo::DOM->new($docs_resonse->content);
my $endpoints;
my $objects;
$docs_dom->find('[id]')->map(attr => 'id')->each(sub {
my $id = $_;
if ( $id =~ /^endpoint/ ) {
$log->infof('found an endpoint: %s', $id) unless $only_json;
$id =~ /^endpoint-(.*)/;
my ($ep_name) = $1 =~ s/-/_/gr;
my $element = $docs_dom->at('#'.$id);
my ($api_cat) = split ' ', $element->preceding('h1[id]')->last->content;
$endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}{short_description} = $element->text;
@{$endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}}{qw(method uri)} = split ' ', $element->next->children->first->at('code')->content;
chomp( $endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}{long_description} = $element->next->next->all_text );
my $request_dom = $element->following("h5")->first;
# Make sure it's request details.
if ( $request_dom->content eq 'Request') {
my $next = $request_dom->next;
# Check all available tables.
# header, path parameters, and query parameters
while ( $next->tag eq 'table' ) {
my $keys = $next->find('thead tr th')->map('content')->map(sub { lc $_ =~ s/ /_/rg; })->to_array;
$next->find('tbody tr')->each(sub {
my $row = $_->children('td');
my $field_name = $keys->[0];
my $param_name = $row->first->at('code')->content =~ s/{|}//gr;
chomp( $endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}{request}{$field_name}{$param_name}{description} = $row->first->at('small')->all_text ) if $row->first->at('small');
my $c = 1;
$row->tail(-1)->each(sub {
my $r = shift;
my $k = $keys->[$c++];
$endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}{request}{$field_name}{$param_name}{$k} = lc $r->child_nodes->first->content;
$next = $next->next;
} else {
$log->warnf('Expecting to parse Request DOM for element ID: %s', $id);
my $response_dom = $element->following("h5")->tail(-1)->first;
if ( $response_dom->content eq 'Response') {
my $next = $response_dom->next;
while ( $next->tag ne 'h2' and $next->tag ne 'h1' ) {
chomp($endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}{response}{raw} .= $next->all_text =~ s/^\s|\s$//rgm );
push $endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}{response}{objects}->@*, ($next->content =~ /(\w+ object)/);
$next = $next->next;
} else {
$log->warnf('Expecting to parse Response DOM for element ID: %s', $id);
$log->tracef('API Category: %s, name: %s | element: %s | request: %s', $api_cat, $ep_name, Dumper($endpoints->{$api_cat}{$ep_name}), $request_dom);
} elsif ( $id =~ /^object-/ ) {
$log->infof('found an object: %s', $id) unless $only_json;
my $element = $docs_dom->at('#'.$id);
my $o_name = $element->content =~ s/Object//r;
$log->tracef('Class %s', $o_name);
my $next = $element->next;
if ( $next->tag eq 'table' ) {
$next->find('tbody tr')->each(sub {
my $row = $_->children('td');
my $field_name = $row->first->at('code')->content;
chomp( $objects->{$o_name}{$field_name}{description} = $row->first->at('small')->all_text ) if $row->first->at('small');
$objects->{$o_name}{$field_name}{type} = $row->tail(-1)->first->content;
} else {
$log->warnf('Expected table for Object details, %s', $id);
$log->tracef('Object %s | %s', $o_name, Dumper($objects->{$o_name}));
push @INC, path('lib/')->absolute->stringify;
sub gen_from_template {
my ($template, $vars, $output, $module) = @_;
my $tt = Template->new;
$template, $vars, $output
) or die $tt->error;
$log->infof('Testing generated Class %s for compiling...', $module) unless $only_json;
try {
$log->info('Compiled fine.') unless $only_json;
} catch ($e) {
$log->warnf('Failed compiling generate API %s | error: %s', $module, $e);
sub generate_api_classes {
for my $api (keys %$endpoints) {
$log->infof('Generating API %s', $api) unless $only_json;
my $vars = {endpoints => $endpoints->{$api}, api_name => $api,};
gen_from_template('scripts/SpotifyAPI_pm.tt2', $vars, "lib/Net/Async/Spotify/API/Generated/$api.pm", "Net::Async::Spotify::API::Generated::$api");
if ( !path("lib/Net/Async/Spotify/API/$api.pm")->exists or $init_class) {
$log->infof('Generating Main API %s', $api) unless $only_json;
gen_from_template('scripts/SpotifyAPI_main_pm.tt2', $vars, "lib/Net/Async/Spotify/API/$api.pm", "Net::Async::Spotify::API::$api");
sub generate_obj_classes {
for my $obj (keys %$objects) {
$log->infof('Generating Object %s', $obj) unless $only_json;
my $vars = {fields => $objects->{$obj}, obj_name => $obj,};
gen_from_template('scripts/SpotifyObj_pm.tt2', $vars, "lib/Net/Async/Spotify/Object/Generated/$obj.pm", "Net::Async::Spotify::Object::Generated::$obj");
if ( !path("lib/Net/Async/Spotify/Object/$obj.pm")->exists or $init_class) {
$log->infof('Generating Main Object %s', $obj) unless $only_json;
gen_from_template('scripts/SpotifyObj_main_pm.tt2', $vars, "lib/Net/Async/Spotify/Object/$obj.pm", "Net::Async::Spotify::Object::$obj");
$log->infof('%s', encode_json_utf8({enpoints => $endpoints, objects => $objects})) if $only_json;
generate_api_classes() if $endpoint_gen;
generate_obj_classes() if $object_gen;
$log->info('FINISHED;') unless $only_json;