# ABSTRACT: Create a spreadsheet with gene name occurances
use Moose;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
has 'args' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', required => 1 );
has 'script_name' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1 );
has 'help' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0 );
has 'gff_files' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef' );
has 'output_filename' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
has '_error_message' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
sub BUILD {
my ($self) = @_;
my ( $gff_files, $output_filename, $help );
'o|output=s' => \$output_filename,
'h|help' => \$help,
$self->output_filename($output_filename) if ( defined($output_filename) );
if ( @{ $self->args } == 0 ) {
$self->_error_message("Error: You need to provide at least 1 GFF file");
for my $filename ( @{ $self->args } ) {
if ( !-e $filename ) {
$self->_error_message("Error: Cant access file $filename");
$self->gff_files( $self->args );
sub run {
my ($self) = @_;
( !$self->help ) or die $self->usage_text;
if ( defined( $self->_error_message ) ) {
print $self->_error_message . "\n";
die $self->usage_text;
my $gene_name_occurances_obj = Bio::AutomatedAnnotation::GeneNameOccurances->new(gff_files => $self->gff_files);
my %input_params = (
gene_occurances => $gene_name_occurances_obj
if ( defined( $self->output_filename ) ) {
$input_params{output_filename} = $self->output_filename;
my $spreadsheet_obj = Bio::AutomatedAnnotation::SpreadsheetOfGeneOccurances->new(\%input_params);
sub usage_text {
my ($self) = @_;
return <<USAGE;
Usage: gene_name_occurances [options]
Create a spreadsheet with gene name occurances
# Create a spreadsheet with gene name occurances
gene_name_occurances *.gff
# Provide an output filename
gene_name_occurances -o outputfile.fa *.gff
# This help message
gene_name_occurances -h
no Moose;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Bio::AutomatedAnnotation::CommandLine::GeneNameOccurances - Create a spreadsheet with gene name occurances
=head1 VERSION
version 1.182685
Create a spreadsheet with gene name occurances
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew J. Page <ap13@sanger.ac.uk>
This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007