pod2pandoc - convert Pod to Pandoc document model


pod2pandoc [OPTIONS] {INPUT} [ [ -- ] PANDOC_ARGUMENTS ]
pod2pandoc [OPTIONS] {INPUT} | pandoc -f json [ PANDOC_ARGUMENTS ]

pod2pandoc -o Module.pdf
pod2pandoc -t markdown
pod2pandoc Module::Name -o ModuleName.html
pod2pandoc lib/ wiki/ --ext .md --wiki --index Home -t markdown_github
pod2pandoc lib/ docs/ --standalone


pod2pandoc converts POD format documentation (perlpod) to the Pandoc document model so it can be processed to other formats (HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, PDF, EPUB, docx, ODT, man, ICML...). By default or with input - a document is read from STDIN. Multiple input files are combined to one document and listed in document metadata field file. The result is printed in JSON format or passed to Pandoc if additional options such as -t or -o are given.

To process a whole directory of .pm and/or .pod files, specify an input directory as first input and an optional output directory as second.



Print out usage information and exit


Parse and include data sections (e.g. =for markdown)

--podurl URL

Base URL to Perl modules. Default:

--ext EXT

Output file extension when processing a directory. Default: html

--index NAME

Index file name when processing a directory. Disable with 0


Don't create output subdirectories and create wikilinks.


Only process when input file is newer then output file


Don't emit warnings and status information


All other options are passed through to pandoc


This script is part of Pod::Pandoc and implemented in App::pod2pandoc. Together with Pandoc document converter it can be used as customizable replacement for specialized Pod converter scripts such as pod2html, pod2projdocs, pod2man, pod2readme, pod2usage, pod2latex, pod2markdown, and pod2text.