List::MoreUtils - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util


    use List::MoreUtils qw(any all none notall true false firstidx 
                           lastidx insert_after insert_after_string


List::MoreUtils provides some trivial but commonly needed functionality on lists which is not going to go into List::Util.

All of the below functions are implementable in only a couple of lines of Perl code. Using the functions from this module however should give slightly better performance as everything is implemented in C. The pure-Perl implementation of these functions only serves as a fallback in case the C portions of this module couldn't be compiled on this machine.


Returns a true value if any item in LIST meets the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

print "At least one value undefined"
    if any { !defined($_) } @list;

Returns false otherwise, or undef if LIST is empty.


Returns a true value if all items in LIST meet the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

print "All items defined"
    if all { defined($_) } @list;

Returns false otherwise, or undef if LIST is empty.


Logically the negation of any. Returns a true value if no item in LIST meets the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

print "No value defined"
    if none { defined($_) } @list;

Returns false otherwise, or undef if LIST is empty.


Logically the negation of all. Returns a true value if not all items in LIST meet the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

print "Not all values defined"
    if notall { defined($_) } @list;

Returns false otherwise, or undef if LIST is empty.


Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

printf "%i item(s) are defined", true { defined($_) } @list;

Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is false. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

printf "%i item(s) are not defined", false { defined($_) } @list;
firstidx BLOCK LIST

Returns the index of the first element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

my @list = (1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 6);
printf "item with index %i in list is 4", firstidx { $_ == 4 } @list;
item with index 1 in list is 4

Returns -1 if no such item could be found.

lastidx BLOCK LIST

Returns the index of the last element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

my @list = (1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 6);
printf "item with index %i in list is 4", lastidx { $_ == 4 } @list;
item with index 4 in list is 4

Returns -1 if no such item could be found.

insert_after BLOCK VALUE LIST

Inserts VALUE after the first item in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn.

my @list = qw/This is a list/;
insert_after { $_ eq "a" } "longer" => @list;
print "@list";
This is a longer list
insert_after_string STRING VALUE LIST

Inserts VALUE after the first item in LIST which is equal to STRING.

my @list = qw/This is a list/;
insert_after_string "a", "longer" => @list;
print "@list";
This is a longer list

Applies BLOCK to each item in LIST and returns a list of the values after BLOCK has been applied. In scalar context, the last element is returned. This function is similar to map but will not modify the elements of the input list:

my @list = (1 .. 4);
my @mult = apply { $_ *= 2 } @list;
print "\@list = @list\n";
print "\@mult = @mult\n";
@list = 1 2 3 4
@mult = 2 4 6 8

Think of it as syntactic sugar for

for (my @mult = @list) { $_ *= 2 }


Nothing by default. To import all of this module's symbols, do the conventional

use List::MoreUtils qw/:all/;

It may make more sense though to only import the stuff your program actually needs:

use List::MoreUtils qw/any firstidx/;


This is version 0.06.


No known ones.

If you have a functionality that you could imagine being in this module, please drop me a line. This module's policy will be less strict than List::Util's when it comes to additions as it isn't a core module.


Credits go to a number of people: Steve Purkis for giving me namespace advice and James Keenan and Terrence Branno for their effort of keeping the CPAN tidier by making List::Utils obsolete.

Brian McCauley suggested the includsion of apply and provided the pure-Perl implementation for it.




Tassilo von Parseval, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Tassilo von Parseval

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.