Mail::MboxParser - read-only access to UNIX-mailboxes


use Mail::MboxParser;

my $mb = Mail::MboxParser->new('some_mailbox');

for my $msg ($mb->get_messages) {
	my %header = %{$msg->header};
	print $msg->from->{name}, "\n";
	print $msg->from->{email}, "\n";
	print $header{subject}, "\n";
	print $header{'reply-to'}, "\n";


This module attempts to provide a simplified access to standard UNIX-mailboxes. It offers only a subset of methods to get 'straight to the point'. More sophisticated things can still be done by invoking any method from MIME::Tools on the appropriate return values.


The below methods refer to Mail::MboxParser-objects.


This creates a new MboxParser-object opening the specified MAILBOX with either absolute or relative path. It does not necessarily need a parameter in which case you need to pass the mailbox to the object using the method 'open'. Returns nothing.


Can be used to either pass a mailbox to the MboxParser-object either the first time or for changing the mailbox. Returns nothing.


Returns an array containing all messages in the mailbox respresented as Mail::MboxParser::Mail objects.


Returns the number of messages in a mailbox. You could naturally also call get_messages in an array context, but this one wont create new objects. It just counts them and thus it is much quicker and wont eat a lot of memory.

The below methods refer to Mail::MboxParser::Mail-objects returned by get_messages.

new(header, body)

This is usually not called directly but instead by $mb->get_messages. You could however create a mail-object manually providing the header and body both as one string.

Returns the mail-header as a hash-ref with header-fields as keys. All keys are turned to lower-case, so $header{Subject} has to be written as $header{subject}.


Returns the body as a single string.


Returns a hash-ref with the two fields 'name' and 'email'. Returns undef if empty.


Returns the message-id of a message cutting off the leading and trailing '<' and '>' respectively.


Returns the number of MIME-entities. That is, the number of sub-entitities actually.


Either returns an array of all MIME::Entity objects or one particular if called with a number.


Returns the body of the n-th MIME::Entity as a single string.

store_entity_body(n, FILEHANDLE)

Stores the stringified body of n-th entity to the specified filehandle. That's basically the same as:

my $body = $mail->get_entity_body(0);
print FILEHANDLE $body;

and could be shortened to this:

$mail->store_entity_body(0, \*FILEHANDLE);
store_attachement(n, path)

It is really just a call to store_entity_body but it will take care that the n-th entity really is a saveable attachement. That is, it wont save anything with a MIME-type of, say, text/html or so. It uses the recommended-filename found in the MIME-header. 'path' is the place where the new file will go to.


Walks through an entire mail and stores all apparent attachements to 'path'. See the supplied script in the eg-directory of the package to see a useful example.


Mail::MboxParser is basically a pseudo-hash containing two fields.


This is the filehandle from which is read internally. As to yet, it is read-only so you can't use it for writing. This may be changed later.


Having called nmsgs once this field contains the number of messages in the mailbox. Thus there is no need for calling the method twice which speeds up matters a little.

Mail::MboxParser::Mail is a pseudo-hash with four fields.


Contains the whole message (that is, header plus body) in one string.


Well, just the header of the message as a string.


You guess it.


The top-level MIME::Entity of a message. You can call any suitable methods from the MIME::tools upon this object to give you more specific access to MIME-parts.


Don't know yet of any. However, since I only have a limited number of mailboxes on which I could test the module, there might be circumstances under which Mail::MboxParser fails to work correctly. It will probably fail on mal-formated mails produced by some cheap CGI-webmailers.

The way of counting the number of mails in a mailbox is a little suspect. Internally this looks like '$self->{NMSGS}++ if /^Lines: \d+\n$/;'. In case nmsgs really produces bogus then you could try calling get_messages in scalar context: '$mb->{NMSGS} = $mb->get_messages'. Once having done so, a call to nmsgs will produce this number since it only parses once and will only return the previously cached results on later calls.


Tassilo von Parseval <>.

Copyright (c) 2001 Tassilo von Parseval. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 140:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 214:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 218:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 244:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'