Changes for version 0.15 - 2008-04-05

  • Fix : Correct die error when SIGUSR{1,2} aren't found.
  • Fix : Strip off duplicated targets when sending to multiple processes at the same time.
  • Tst : Lower base speed to 1024 bauds when forking.
  • Tst : Don't reset the receiver state anymore, but always respawn.
  • Tst : t/70-speed.t tests are now marked as TODO, so that they won't block module installation.
  • Tst : Timeouts aren't truncated to 10 seconds anymore. This used to result into physically logical failures. On the other hand, if the required timeout now goes over 20 seconds, the test is considered failed.


Communicate between processes with Morse signals.
Base class for IPC::MorseSignals emitters.
Base class for IPC::MorseSignals receivers.