Changes for version 0.01 - 2010-07-03

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.


Perl object model for generating PGF/TikZ code.
LaTeX::TikZ formatter object.
Build functor methods that recursively visit nodes of a LaTeX::TikZ::Set tree.
LaTeX::TikZ public interface register and loader.
Type constraint metaclass that autoloads type coercions.
Base role for LaTeX::TikZ modifiers.
A modifier that clips sequences with a path.
A modifier that sets the line color.
A modifier that fills a closed path with a color.
Intermediate object between a modifier object and its code representation.
A modifier that specifies a drawing layer.
A modifier that fills a closed path with a pattern.
A dotted pattern modifier.
An hatched pattern modifier.
A literal TikZ modifier.
A modifier that sets the line width.
Internal representation of what LaTeX::TikZ consider as 2D points.
Coerce Math::Complex points into LaTeX::TikZ::Point objects.
An object modeling a TikZ scope or layer.
Base role for LaTeX::TikZ set objects.
A combined set object representing an arc.
A combined set object representing an arrow.
A set object representing a circle.
A set object representing a line.
A role for set objects that can be appended to.
A role for set objects that can be part of a path.
A set object representing a path.
A set object representing a point.
A set object representing a possibly closed path composed of contiguous lines.
A literal chunk of TikZ code.
A set object representing a rectangle.
A set object grouping a sequence of objects.
Miscellanous tools for LaTeX::TikZ classes.