Changes for version 1.12 - 2009-11-29
- Doc : The front documentation in Test::Valgrind was improved.
- Fix : Don't install, as it's only used for testing.
- Fix : "Non-portable hex number" warnings.
- Fix : Old versions of valgrind could leave some Z-encoded symbols in the stack traces. We now make sure they're always decoded.
Generate suppressions, analyse and test any command with valgrind.
Base class for Test::Valgrind actions.
Mock Test::Valgrind::Action for capturing output.
Generate suppressions for a given tool.
Test that an analysis didn't generate any error report.
Carp-like private methods for Test::Valgrind objects.
Base class for Test::Valgrind commands.
A Test::Valgrind command that aggregates several other commands.
A Test::Valgrind command that invokes perl.
A Test::Valgrind command that invokes a perl script.
Base class for Test::Valgrind components.
Base class for Test::Valgrind parsers.
Parse valgrind suppressions output as text blocks.
Parse valgrind output as a text stream.
Parse valgrind output as an XML stream.
Parse valgrind XML output with XML::Twig.
Base class for Test::Valgrind error reports.
Test::Valgrind session object.
Generate suppressions for given tool and command.
Base class for Test::Valgrind tools.
Run an analysis through the memcheck tool.
in lib/Test/Valgrind/Parser/XML/
in lib/Test/Valgrind/Parser/Suppressions/
in lib/Test/Valgrind/Tool/