Protocol::XMLRPC - Asynchronous, web framework agnostic XML-RPC implementation
my $xmlrpc = Protocol::XMLRPC->new(
http_req_cb => sub {
'' => 'plus' => [1, 2] => sub {
my ($self, $method_response) = @_;
if (!$method_response) {
print "internal error\n";
elsif ($method_response->fault) {
print 'error: ', $method_response->fault, "\n";
else {
print $method_response->param->value, "\n";
Protocol::XMLRPC is asynchronous, web framework agnostic XML-RPC implementation. You provide callback subroutine for posting method requests. LWP, Mojo::Client etc can be used for this purpose.
XML-RPC defines different parameters types. Perl5 has only strings, because of this types are guessed, but you can pass explicit type if guessing is wrong for you. Read more about parameter creation at Protocol::XMLRPC::ValueFactory.
my $xmlrpc = Protocol::XMLRPC->new(
http_req_cb => sub {
my ($self, $url, $method, $headers, $body, $cb) = @_;
$cb->($self, $status, $headers, $body);
A callback for sending request to the xmlrpc server. Don't forget that User-Agent and Host headers are required by XML-RPC specification. Default values are provided, but you are advised to change them.
Request callback is called with:
self Protocol::XMLRPC instance
url server url (for example '')
method request method
headers request headers hash reference
body request body to send. Holds Protocol::XMLRPC::MethodCall string representation.
cb callback that must be called after response was received
Response callback must be called with:
self Protocol::XMLRPC instance
status response status (200, 404 etc)
headers response headers hash reference
body response body
my $xmlrpc = Protocol::XMLRPC->new(http_req_cb => sub { ... });
Creates Protocol::XMLRPC instance. Argument http_req_cb is required.
'' => 'plus' => [1, 2] => sub {
my ($self, $method_response) = @_;
Creates Protocol::XMLRPC::MethodCall object with provided parameters and calls http_req_cb with url and body. Upon response parses and created Protocol::XMLRPC::MethodResponse object and calls provided callback.
Parameter are optional. But must be provided as an array reference. Parameters types are guessed (more about that in Protocol::XMLRPC::ValueFactory). If you must pass parameter which type cannot be easily guesed, for example you want to pass 1 as a string, you can pass value instance instead of a value.
'' => 'getPost' =>
[Protocol::XMLRPC::Value::String->new(1)] => sub {
my ($self, $method_response) = @_;
Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi,
Copyright (C) 2009, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi.
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.