SQL::Composer - sql builder


use DBI;

my $select = SQL::Composer->build('select',
    from    => 'book_description',
    columns => ['description'],
    join    => [
            source  => 'book',
            columns => ['title'],
            on      => ['book_description.book_id' => {-col => ''}],
            join    => [
                    source  => 'author',
                    columns => ['name'],
                    on      => ['book.author_id' => {-col => ''}]

my $sql  = $select->to_sql;
my @bind = $select->to_bind;

my $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;

my $objects = $select->from_rows($rows);

# $objects = [
#   description => 'Nice Book',
#   book => {
#       title => 'My Book',
#       author => {
#           name => 'Author'
#       }
#   }
# ]


SQL::Composer is a SQL builder and rows parser in one module. It behaves very close to SQL::Abstract or similar modules but allows deep joins and automatic convertion from arrayref to a hashref, keeping the nested join structure if needed.

This module itself is just a factory for the common SQL statements: SELECT, DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE.



Build SQL statement.

my $select = SQL::Composer->build('select, @params);


SQL expressions

SQL expressions are everything used in where, join and other statements. So the following rules apply to all of them. For more details see SQL::Composer::Expression.

my $expr = SQL::Composer::Expression->new(expr => [a => 'b']);

my $sql = $expr->to_sql;   # `a` = ?
my @bind = $expr->to_bind; # ('b')

SQL Joins

For more details see SQL::Composer::Join.

my $expr = SQL::Composer::Join->new(source => 'table', on => [a => 'b']);

my $sql = $expr->to_sql;   # JOIN `table` ON `table`.`a` = ?
my @bind = $expr->to_bind; # ('b')

SQL Inserts

For more details see SQL::Composer::Select.

my $expr =
  SQL::Composer::Insert->new(into => 'table', values => [foo => 'bar']);

my $sql = $expr->to_sql;   # INSERT INTO `table` (`foo`) VALUES (?)
my @bind = $expr->to_bind; # ('bar')

SQL Updates

For more details see SQL::Composer::Update.

my $expr =
  SQL::Composer::Update->new(table => 'table', values => [a => 'b']);

my $sql = $expr->to_sql;   # UPDATE `table` SET `a` = ?
my @bind = $expr->to_bind; # ('b')

SQL Deletes

For more details see SQL::Composer::Delete.

my $expr = SQL::Composer::Delete->new(from => 'table');

my $sql = $expr->to_sql;   # DELETE FROM `table`
my @bind = $expr->to_bind; # ()

SQL Selects

For more details see SQL::Composer::Select.

my $expr =
  SQL::Composer::Select->new(from => 'table', columns => ['a', 'b']);

my $sql = $expr->to_sql;   # SELECT `table`.`a`,`table`.`b` FROM `table`
my @bind = $expr->to_bind; # ()

my $objects = $expr->from_rows([['c', 'd']]); # [{a => 'c', b => 'd'}];


Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi


Copyright 2013, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi.

This module is free software, you may distribute it under the same terms as Perl.