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<style type="text/css">
.cursor {
height: 30px;
width: 30px;
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid gray;
z-index: -1;
<select id="transport">
<option value="">- any - </option>
<option value="websocket">websocket</option>
<option value="not-websocket">- not websocket -</option>
<option value="xdr-streaming">xdr-streaming</option>
<option value="xhr-streaming">xhr-streaming</option>
<option value="iframe-eventsource">iframe-eventsource</option>
<option value="iframe-htmlfile">iframe-htmlfile</option>
<option value="xdr-polling">xdr-polling</option>
<option value="xhr-polling">xhr-polling</option>
<option value="iframe-xhr-polling">iframe-xhr-polling</option>
<option value="jsonp-polling">jsonp-polling</option>
<input type="button" value="Connect" id="connect">
<input type="button" value="Disconnect" id="disconnect" disabled="yes">
Latency: <code id="latency"></code><br>
<code id="logs" style="height:200px; overflow:auto; display: block; border: 1px gray solid;">
function log(a) {
if ('console' in window && 'log' in window.console) {
var sjs = null;
var protocol;
$('#connect').click(function() {
$('#connect').attr('disabled', true);
var protocol = $('#transport').val() || undefined;
if (protocol === 'not-websocket') {
protocol = ['xdr-streaming',
log('[connecting] ' + protocol);
options = jQuery.extend({}, client_opts.sockjs_opts)
options.protocols_whitelist = typeof protocol === 'string' ?
[protocol] : protocol;
sjs = new SockJS(client_opts.url + '/broadcast', null, options);
sjs.onopen = onopen
sjs.onclose = onclose;
sjs.onmessage = xonmessage;
$('#disconnect').click(function() {
$('#disconnect').attr('disabled', true);
var onopen = function() {
log('connected ' + sjs.protocol);
var onclose = function(e) {
log('disconnected ' + e);
$('#disconnect').attr('disabled', true);
var myself = (''+Math.random()).substr(2);
var xonmessage = function(e) {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
if ( === myself) {
var td = (new Date()).getTime() - msg.t;
$('#latency').text('' + td + ' ms');
var id = 'cursor_';
if ($('#'+id).length === 0) {
$("body").append('<div id="' + id + '" class="cursor"></div>');
$('#'+id).offset({top:msg.y-15, left:msg.x-15});
var x, y;
var last_x, last_y, tref;
$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
x = e.pageX; y = e.pageY;
if(!tref) poll();
var poll = function() {
tref = null;
if (last_x === x && last_y === y)
var msg = {x:x, y:y, t: (new Date()).getTime(), id:myself};
last_x = x; last_y = y;
var raw_msg = JSON.stringify(msg);
if (sjs && sjs.readyState === SockJS.OPEN) {
tref = setTimeout(poll, 200);
$('#disconnect').attr('disabled', true);