CAPE::Utils - A helpful library for with CAPE.
Version 0.1.0
Quick summary of what the module does.
Perhaps a little code snippet.
use CAPE::Utils;
my $cape_util=CAPE::Utils->new();
my $sub_results=$cape_util->submit(items=>@to_detonate,unique=>0, quiet=>1);
use JSON;
print encode_json($sub_results)."\n";
Initiates the object. One argument is taken and that is the path to the INI config file. The default is '/usr/local/etc/cape_utils.ini' and if not found, the defaults will be used.
my $cape_util=CAPE::Utils->new('/path/to/some/config.ini');
Return a DBH from DBI->connect for the CAPE SQL server.
This will die with the output from $DBI::errstr if it fails.
my $dbh = $cape->connect;
Set one or more pending tasks to failed as below.
UPDATE tasks SET status = 'failed_processing' WHERE status = 'pending'
The following options are also supported.
- where :: Additional SQL where statements to add. Something must
be specified for this, unless fail_all in the config is
true. Otherwise this method will die.
my $rows=$cape_util->fail( where=>"target like '%foo%'");
Get pending count pending tasks.
- where :: And additional where part of the SQL statement. "and" will
automatically be used to join it with the rest of the
statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
my $count=$cape_util->get_pending_count;
Returns a arrah ref of hash refs of rows from the tasks table where the status is set to pending via "select * from tasks where status = 'pending'"
- where :: And additional where part of the SQL statement. "and" will
automatically be used to join it with the rest of the
statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
- where :: Additional SQL where statements to add.
Generates a ASCII table for pending.
The following config variables can are relevant to this and may be overriden.
The following options are also supported.
- where :: And additional where part of the SQL statement. "and" will
automatically be used to join it with the rest of the
statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
print $cape_util->get_pending_table( pending_columns=>'id,package');
Returns a array ref of hash refs of rows from the tasks table where the status is set to pending.
select * from tasks where status = 'running'
The statement above is used to find running tasks.
- where :: And additional where part of the SQL statement. "and" will
automatically be used to join it with the rest of the
statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
use Data::Dumper;
my $running=$cape_utils->get_running;
print Dumper($running);
Get pending count running tasks.
select * from tasks where status = 'running'
The statement above is used to find running tasks.
- where :: And additional where part of the SQL statement. "and" will
automatically be used to join it with the rest of the
statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
my $count=$cape_util->get_running_count;
Generates a ASCII table for pending.
The following config variables can are relevant to this and may be overriden.
The statement below is used to find running tasks.
select * from tasks where status = 'running'
The following options are also supported.
- where :: And additional where part of the SQL statement. "and" will
automatically be used to join it with the rest of the
statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
print $cape_util->get_pending_table( pending_columns=>'id,package');
Returns a array ref of hash refs of rows from the tasks table where the status is set to pending.
- where :: The where part of the SQL statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
- order :: Column to order by.
- Default :: id
- limit :: Number of items to return.
- Default :: 100
- direction :: Direction to order in.
- Default :: desc
use Data::Dumper;
A small example showing getting running, ordering by category, and limiting to 20.
my $tasks=$cape_utils->get_tasks(where=>"status = 'running'", limit=>20, order=>"category", direction=>'desc');
print Dumper($running);
Gets a count of tasks.
- where :: The where part of the SQL statement. May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
use Data::Dumper;
A small example showing getting running, ordering by category, and limiting to 20.
my $count=$cape_util->get_tasks_count(where=>"status = 'running'", limit=>20, order=>"category", direction=>'desc');
Generates a ASCII table for tasks.
The following config variables can are relevant to this and may be overriden.
The following options are also supported.
- where :: Additional SQL where statements to add.
- Default :: undef
- order :: Column to order by.
- Default :: id
- limit :: Number of items to return.
- Default :: 100
- direction :: Direction to order in.
- Default :: desc
print $cape_util->get_tasks_table( where => "status = 'reported'");
Searches the list of tasks. By default everything will be return ed.
- where :: Additional SQL where statements to use for searching.
May not contain a ';'.
- Default :: undef
Addtionally there are also helpers for searching. These may not contain either a /\'/ or a /\\/. They will be joined via and.
The following are handled as a simple equality.
- timeout
- memory
- enforce_timeout
- timedout
The following are numeric. Each one may accept multiple comma sperated values. The equalities =, >,>=, <=, and ! are supported. If no equality is specified, then = is used.
- id
- timeout
- priority
- dropped_files
- running_processes
- api_calls
- domains
- signatures_total
- signatures_alert
- files_written
- registry_keys_modified
- crash_issues
- anti_issues
- sample_id
- machine_id
# will result in id >= 3 and id < 44
id => '>=3,<44'
# either of these will be id = 4
id => '=4'
id => '4'
The following are string items. As is, they are evaluated as a simple equality. If ending with ending in '_like', they will be evaluated as a like.
- target
- category
- custom
- machine
- package
- route
- tags_tasks
- options
- platform
# becomes... target = 'foo'
target => 'foo'
# becomes... target like 'foo%'
target_like => 'foo%'
Submits files to CAPE.
- clock :: Timestamp to use for setting the clock to of the VM for
when executing the item. If left undefined, it will be
- Format :: mm-dd-yyy HH:MM:ss
- items :: A array ref of items to submit. If a directory is listed in
here, it will be read, but subdirectories will not be recursed. They
will be ignored.
- name_regex :: Regex to use for matching items in a submitted dir.
Only used if the a submitted item is a dir.
- Default :: undef
- mime_regex :: Array ref of desired mime types to match via
regex. Only used if the a submitted item is a dir.
- Default :: undef
- timeout :: Value to use for timeout. Set to 0 to not enforce.
- Default :: 200
- machine :: The machine to use for this. If not defined, first
available will be used.
- Default :: undef
- package :: Package to use, if not letting CAPE decide.
- Default :: undef
- options :: Option string to be passed via --options.
- Default :: undef
- random :: If it should randomize the order of submission.
- Default :: 1
- tags :: Tags to be passed to the script via --tags.
- Default :: undef
- platform :: What to pass to --platform.
- Default :: undef
- custom :: Any custom values to pass via --custom.
- Default :: undef
- enforce_timeout :: Force it to run the entire period.
- Default :: 0
- unique :: Only submit it if it is unique.
- Default :: 0
-quiet :: Do not print the results.
- Default :: 0
The retuned value is a hash ref where the keys are successfully submitted files and values of those keys is the task ID.
my $sub_results=$cape_util->submit(items=>@to_detonate,unique=>0, quiet=>1);
use JSON;
print encode_json($sub_results)."\n";
Creates a timestamp to be used with utils/submit. localtime is used to get the current time.
print $cape_util->timestamp."\n";
Performa a Fisher Yates shuffle on the passed array ref.
Checks the remote connection.
Two variablesare required, API key and IP.
The default config file is '/usr/local/etc/cape_utils.ini'.
The defaults are as below, which out of the box, it will work by default with CAPEv2 in it's default config.
# The DBI dsn to use
# DB user
# DB password
# the install base for CAPEv2
# 0/1 if poetry should be used
# 0/1 if fail should be allowed to run with out a where statement
# colums to use for pending table show
# colums to use for runniong table show
# colums to use for tasks table
# if the target column for running table display should be clipped to the filename
# if microseconds should be clipped from time for running table display
# if the target column for pending table display should be clipped to the filename
# if microseconds should be clipped from time for pending table display
# if the target column for task table display should be clipped to the filename
# if microseconds should be clipped from time for task table display
# default table color
# default table border
# when submitting use now for the current time
# default timeout value for submit
# default value for enforce timeout for submit
# the api key to for with mojo_cape_submit
# auth by IP only for mojo_cape_submit
# comma seperated list of allowed subnets for mojo_cape_submit
# incoming dir to use for mojo_cape_submit
# directory to store json data files for submissions recieved by mojo_cape_submit
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, <vvelox at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cape-utils at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CAPE::Utils
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This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1380:
Unknown directive: =head