FreeBSD::Pkgs - Reads the FreeBSD installed packaged DB.
Version 0.0.0
The following example prints out the package information.
use FreeBSD::Pkgs;
while(my ($name, $pkg) = each %{$pkgdb->{packages}}){
print $name."\nComment=".$pkg->{comment}."\n";
#prints the packages that require it
if (defined($pkg->{requiredby})){
my $requiredbyInt=0;
while (defined($pkg->{requiredby}[$requiredbyInt])){
print $name." required by ".$pkg->{requiredby}[$requiredbyInt]."\n";
#if the extract-in-place option is set, print it
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{extract-in-place})){
print $name." is set to extract in place\n";
#if the extract-in-place option is set, print it
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{preserve})){
print $name." is set to preserve the old file\n";
#print the mtree
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{mtree})){
print $name." the mtree for this package is '".$pkg->{contents}{mtree}."'\n";
#print installed files and associated info
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{files})){
my @files=keys(%{$pkg->{contents}{files}});
my $filesInt=0;
while (defined($files[$filesInt])){
print $name." installs ".$files[$filesInt]." md5='".
$pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{MD5}."' ";
#prints the the group if there is a specific one for the file
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{group})) {
print " group='".$pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{group}."'";
#prints the the user if there is a specific one for the file
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{user})) {
print " user='".$pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{user}."'";
#prints the the mode if there is a specific one for the file
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{files}{$mfiles[$filesInt]}{mode})) {
print " mode='".$pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{mode}."'";
#prints the directory if it is not relative to the base
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{files}{$mfiles[$filesInt]}{cwd})) {
print " cwd='".$pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{cwd}."'";
#print if the file is set to be ignored
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{files}{$mfiles[$filesInt]}{ignore})) {
print " ignore='".$pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{ignore}."'";
#print if the file is set to be ignored
if (defined($pkg->{contents}{files}{$mfiles[$filesInt]}{ignore_inst})) {
print " ignore_inst='".$pkg->{contents}{files}{$files[$filesInt]}{ignore_inst}."'";
print "\n";
#prints the conflict information
my $conflictInt=0;
while (defined($pkg->{contents}{conflict}[$conflictInt])){
print $name." conflicts with ".$pkg->{contents}{conflict}[$conflictInt]."\n";
#print dirrm stuff
my dirrmInt=0;
while (defined($pkg->{contents}{dirrm}[$dirrmInt])){
print $name." conflicts with ".$pkg->{contents}{dirrm}[$dirrmInt]."\n";
print "\n";
#creates a new object with the default settings
my $pkgdb=FreeBSD::Pkgs->new;
#creates a new package with the a specified pkgdb dir
my $pkgdb=FreeBSD::Pkgs->new({pkgdb=>'/var/db/pkg'});
#if this is true there is a error
print 'Error: '.$pkgdb->{error}."\n";
arguement keys
- pkgdb
If this key is defined, it uses this dir to use for the package db.
The same environmental variables as used by the package tools are respected.
This parses the '+CONTENTS' file for a package. The only required is a string containing the contents of the file to be parsed.
my %contents=$pkgdb->parseContents($contentString);
print 'Error: '.$pkgdb->{error}."\n";
This reads all installed packages. The returned value is a boolean.
#checks to see if it completed successfully
print 'Error: '.$pkgdb->{error}."\n";
#checks to make sure it completed successfully using a if statement
print 'Error: '.$pkgdb->{error}."\n";
This parses the specified installed package.
This is a internal function and should not be called.
Package Hash
This hash is contained in $pkgdb->{packages} or returned by $pkgdb-parseInstalledPkg. Each of it's key is name of a installed package and a hash. See the information below for key values of that hash.
- comment
This holds the package comment.
- contents
This contains a hash that contains the parsed contents of the '+CONTENTS' file. For additional information on this hash see the section '+CONTENTS Hash'.
- desc
This holds the description of the package.
- requiredby
This contains a array holding the a list of packages that require this package.
This has is either contained in $pkgdb->{packages}{<packagename>}{contents} or returned by $pkgdb->parseContents.
- cwd
This is a string that contains the prefix for the package.
- mtree
This is a string that contains the mtree file to use for the package.
- requiredby
This is a array that contains a list of packages that requires this package.
- srcdir
See pkg_create(1) for @srcdir, as I can't think of a decent description.
- unexec
This is a array that contains the unexec lines.
- exec
This is a array that contains the exec lines.
- dirrm
This is a array of directories to remove.
- conflicts
This is a array that holds a list of conflicting packages.
- deps
This contains another hash. See the section 'deps Hash' for more information.
- comment
This is a array that contains comments that this module was not sure what to do with.
- files
This is a hash that contains information on the installed files. See the section 'files Hash' for more information.
deps Hash
This is a hash contained in $pkgdb->{<package>}{contents}{deps}{<pkgdep>}.
- origin
This is the ports origin location, if one is given.
files Hash
This is a hash that contains information on the installed files. See the section 'files Hash' for more information. This is a hash contained in $pkgdb->{<package>}{contents}{files}{<file>}. The keys of the hash are the name of the files.
- MD5
This is the MD5 sum of the file.
- cwd
This is the cwd for the file if it is not set to the base one.
- ignore_inst
This is defined if the ignore_inst flag is set to.
- ignore
This is defined if the ignore flag is set to.
- mode
This is defined if a specific mode is set for a file.
- group
This is defined if a specific group is set for a file.
- owner
This is defined if a specific owner is set for a file.
- @noinst
These lines in the '+CONTENTS' file are not currently handled.
- @exec
The handling of these lines are going to be changed in the near future.
- @unexec
The handling of these lines are going to be changed in the near future.
- @display
Currently not handled in this version of.
- memory
It is generally uses atleast twice the amount of ram as the size of the pkgdb.
PKG_DBDIR does not exist.
Could not open PKG_DBDIR.
The named dir entry in PKG_DBDIR is not a directory.
Could not open the specified required by file.
Could not open the specified comment file.
Could not open the specified description file.
Could not open the specified contents file.
A line matching /^\@comment DEPORIGIN:/ was found, no previous depedencies have been found.
A line matching /^\@comment MD5:/ was found, no previous files have been found.
Unable to make sense of the specified '+CONTENTS' line.
/^\@cwd/ matched twice in a '+CONTENTS' file.
Zane C. Bowers, <vvelox at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-freebsd-pkgs at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc FreeBSD::Pkgs
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Copyright 2008 Zane C. Bowers, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.