Monitoring::Sneck - a boopable LibreNMS JSON style SNMP extend for remotely running nagios style checks


Version 0.0.1


use Monitoring::Sneck;

my $file='/usr/local/etc/sneck.conf';

my $sneck=Monitoring::Sneck->new({config=>$file});


Not really meant to be used as a library. The library is more of to support the script.


White space is always cleared from the start of lines via /^[\t ]*/ for each file line that is read in.

Blank lines are ignored.

Lines starting with /\#/ are comments lines.

Lines matching /^[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\=/ are variables. Anything before the the /\=/ is used as the name with everything after being the value.

Lines matching /^[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\|/ are checks to run. Anything before the /\|/ is the name with everything after command to run.

Any other sort of lines are considered an error.

Variables in the checks are in the form of %%%varaible_name%%%.

Variable names and check names may not be redefined once defined in the config.


# this is a comment
geom_foo|/usr/bin/env PATH=%%%PATH%%% /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_geom mirror foo
does_not_exist|/bin/this_will_error yup... that it will

does_not_exist_2|/usr/bin/env /bin/this_will_also_error

The first line creates a variable named path.

The second is ignored as it is a comment.

The third creates a check named geom_foo that calls env with and sets the PATH to the the variable defined on line 1 and calls check_geom_mirror.

The fourth is a example of an error that will show what will happen when you call to a file that does not exit.

The fifth line will be ignored as it is blank.

The sixth is a example of another command erroring.

When you run it, you will notice that errors for lines 4 and 5 are printed to STDERR. For this reason you should use '2> /dev/null' when calling it from snmpd or '2> /dev/null > /dev/null' when calling from cron.


snmpd should be configured as below.

extend sneck /usr/bin/env PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/sneck -c

Then just setup a entry in like cron such as below.

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/env PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/sneck -u 2> /dev/null > /dev/null

Most likely want to run it once per polling interval.

You can use it in a non-cached manner with out cron, but this will result in a longer polling time for LibreNMS or the like when it queries it.


The data section of the return hash/JSON is as below.

- $hash{data}{alert} :: 0/1 boolean for if there is a aloert or not.

- $hash{data}{ok} :: Count of the number of ok checks.

- $hash{data}{warning} :: Count of the number of warning checks.

- $hash{data}{critical} :: Count of the number of critical checks.

- $hash{data}{unknown} :: Count of the number of unkown checks.

- $hash{data}{errored} :: Count of the number of errored checks.

- $hash{data}{alertString} :: The cumulative outputs of anything
  that returned a warning, critical, or unknown.

- $hash{data}{vars} :: A hash with the variables to use.

- $hash{data}{time} :: Time since epoch.

- $hash{data}{time} :: The hostname the check was ran on.

- $hash{data}{config} :: The raw config file if told to include it.

- $hash{data}[checks}{$name} :: A hash with info on the checks ran.

- $hash{data}[checks}{$name}{check} :: The command pre-variable substitution.

- $hash{data}[checks}{$name}{ran} :: The command ran.

- $hash{data}[checks}{$name}{output} :: The output of the check.

- $hash{data}[checks}{$name}{exit} :: The exit code.

- $hash{data}[checks}{$name}{error} :: Only present it died on a
  signal or could not be executed. Provides a brief description.



Initiates the object.

One argument is taken and that is a hash ref. If the key 'config' is present, that will be the config file used. Otherwise '/usr/local/etc/sneck.conf' is used. The key 'include' is a Perl boolean for if the raw config should be included in the JSON.

This function should always work. If there is an error with parsing or the like, it will be reported in the expected format when $sneck->run is called.

This is meant to be rock solid and always work, meaning LibreNMS style JSON is always returned(provided Perl and the other modules are working).

my $sneck=Monitoring::Sneck->new({config=>$file}, include=>0);


This runs the checks and returns the return hash.

my $return=$sneck->run;


Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, <vvelox at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-monitoring-sneck at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Monitoring::Sneck

You can also look for information at:



This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)