Changes for version 0.0.1 - 2019-07-30

  • Remove a bit of unused code that prevented one method from running.


Sorts array of Net::Connection objects.
Sorts the connections via the foreign host.
Sorts the connections via the foreign host and then local host.
Sorts the connections via the local host.
Sorts the connections via the local host and then foreign host.
Sorts the connections via the PID.
Sorts the connections via the foreign port numerically.
Sorts the connections via the foreign port alphabetically.
Sorts the connections via the local port numerically.
Sorts the connections via the local port alphabetically.
Sorts the connections via the connection protocol.
Sorts via the foriegn PTR.
Sorts via the foriegn PTR.
Sorts the connections via the connection state.
Sorts the connections via the UID.
Sorts the connections via the username