ncnetstat - a netstat like utility that supports color and searching
ncnetstat [-a] [--drp] [-l] [-n] [--nc] [-S <sort>] [-t] [-u] [-c <CIDRs>] [--ci -p <ports>] [--pi] [-P <protocols>] [--Pi] [--ptr <PTRs>] [--ptri] [--lptr <PTRs>] [--lptri] [--rptr <PTRs>] [--rptri] [-s <states>] [--si]
Show all connections.
-c <CIDRs>
A comma seperated list of CIDRs to search for.
Invert the CIDR search.
Show the command to the first space.
Show the whole command.
Don't resolve port names.
Invert the sort.
Show the listening ports.
Don't resolve the PTRs.
Don't use colors.
-p <ports>
A comma seperated list of ports to search for.
Invert the port search.
-P <protocols>
A comma seperated list of protocols to search for.
Invert your protocol search.
--ptr <PTRs>
A comma seperated list of PTRs to search for.
Invert the PTR search.
--lptr <PTRs>
A comma seperated list of local PTRs to search for.
Invert the local PTR search.
--rptr <PTRs>
A comma seperated list of remote PTRs to search for.
Invert the remote PTR search.
-s <states>
A comma seperated list of states to search for.
Invert the state search.
-S <sort>
The Net::Connection::Sort to use.
The default available sort methods are as below.
host_f foreign host
host_fl foreign host, local host *default*
host_l local host
host_lf local host, foreign host
pid process ID
port_f foreign port, numerically
port_fa foreign port, alphabetically
port_l local port, numerically
port_la local port, alphabetically
proto protocol
ptr_f foreign PTR
ptr_l local PTR
state state
uid user ID
user username
Show only TCP connections.
Show only UDP connections.
This is either 0 or 1. If defined it will be used for XORing the -i flag.
export CNETSTAT_invert=1
# run ncnetstat inverted
# run it non-inverted, the opposite of what the -i flag normally is
ncnetstat -i
Sets the default sort method. -S overrides this.
If this is set, The output will not be colorized. If this is set, the --nc flag is also inverted.
A space-separated list of nameservers to query used by Net::DNS::Resolver.
There are a few more possible ones, but this is the most useful one and that documentation really belongs to that module.
ncnestat -s established,time_wait
Return a list of connection that are in the established or time_wait state.
ncnestat -c ::/0
Return a list of all IPv6 addresses.
ncnestat -c ::1/128,
Return all connections to localhost.
ncnestat -c -l
Display all connections listening explicitly on
ncnetstat -S host_f -i
Sort the connections by the foreign host and invert the results.
ncnetstat -c --ci
Show connections that are either not locally or remotely part of the subnet.
ncnetstat --ptr
Find connections to/from IPs that have a PTR record of
ncnetstat --ptr --ptri
Find connections to/from IPs that do not have a PTR record of