Net::Interface::Wireless::FreeBSD - Get information for wireless interfactes.
Version 1.0.0
use Net::Interface::Wireless::FreeBSD qw/ListWirelessInterfaces/;
#gets a array of wireless interfaces
my @wifs=ListWirelessInterfaces();
#get a list of visible APs with exporting the Listscan function for the first wireless device found
my %scanhash=Net::Interface::Wireless::FreeBSD::ListScan($wifs[0]);
while(my ($ssid, $ap)=each(%scanhash)){
print "SSID: ".$ssid.
"\nBSSID: ".$ap->{bssid}.
"\nChannel: ".$ap->{channel}.
"\nSNR: ".$ap->{snr}.
"\nRate: ".$ap->{rate}.
"\nBeacon Interval: ".$ap->{int}.
"\nESS: ".$ap->{ess}.
"\nPrivacy: ".$ap->{privacy}.
"\nShort Preanble: ".$ap->{"short preamble"}.
"\nShort Time Slot: ".$ap->{"short time slot"}."\n\n";
ListWirelessInterfaces ListScan
This looks in "/dev/net/" and checks to see if any of them there are recognized interfaces.
Currently it recognizes an(4), ath(4), awi(4), ipw(4), iwi(4), ral(4), ural(4), and wi(4).
Fetch a list of seen APs. This can be used as a non-super user. It just lists seen APs.
This function returns undef upon error and upon success a hash. For info on the hash return, please see the section SCAN RETURN.
Fetch a list of seen APs, but can only be ran by a super user. This initiates a actual scan.
You may have to potential reassociate with a AP afterwards if you are connected to one.
This function returns undef upon error and upon success a hash. For info on the hash return, please see the section SCAN RETURN.
The return is a hash, whose keys are the seen SSIDs. The value of each key is then another hash. See below for a list of keys for that hash.
- bssid
The BSSID of the base station in question.
- channel
The channel the base station is operating on.
- snr
The signal to noise ratio of a connection.
- rate
The base rate for the AP. This is what it is set to, not a guarrentee you will get it.
- int
The beacon interval for the base station.
- ess
A boolean value for if the AP is in ESS mode or not. This is always defined, even if not in ESS mode.
- ibss
A boolean value for if the AP is in IBSS/ad-hoc mode or not. This is always defined, even if not in IBSS/ad-hoc mode.
- privacy
Wether or not the AP any sort of encryption enabled. This is always defined, even if not it is using encryption.
- short preable
Wether or not the AP is set for short preable. This is always defined, even if not it set to short preable.
- short time slot
Wether or not the AP is set for short time slot. This is always defined, even if not it set to short time slot.
Zane C. Bowers, <vvelox at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-interface-wireless-freebsd at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Interface::Wireless::FreeBSD
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Copyright 2008 Zane C. Bowers, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.