Search::ESsearcher::Templates::syslog - Provides syslog support for essearcher.


Version 0.0.0


This uses a logstash configuration below.

input {
  syslog {
    host => ""
    port => 11514
    type => "syslog"

filter { }

output {
  if [type] == "syslog" {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => [ "" ]

The important bit is "type" being set to "syslog". If that is not used, use the command line options field and fieldv.


--host <log host>

The syslog server.

--src <src server>

The source server sending to the syslog server.

--program <program>

The name of the daemon/program in question.

--size <count>

The number of items to return.

--facility <facility>

The syslog facility.

--severity <severity>

The severity level of the message.

--pid <pid>

The PID that sent the message.

--dgt <date>

Date greater than.

--dgte <date>

Date greater than or equal to.

--dlt <date>

Date less than.

--dlte <date>

Date less than or equal to.

--msg <message>

Messages to match.

--field <field>

The term field to use for matching them all.

--fieldv <fieldv>

The value of the term field to matching them all.

AND, OR, or NOT shortcut

, OR

A list seperated by any of those will be transformed

These may be used with program, facility, pid, or host.

example: --program postfix,spamd

results: postfix OR spamd



/^-/ appends "now" to it. So "-5m" becomes "now-5m".

/^u\:/ takes what is after ":" and uses Time::ParseDate to convert it to a unix time value.

Any thing not matching maching any of the above will just be passed on.