Suricata::Monitoring - LibreNMS JSON SNMP extend and Nagios style check for Suricata stats


Version 0.1.3


use Suricata::Monitoring;

my $args = {
    mode               => 'librenms',
    drop_percent_warn  => .75;
    drop_percent_crit  => 1,
    error_delta_warn   => 1,
    error_delta_crit   => 2,
    error_percent_warn => .05,
    error_percent_crit => .1,

my $sm=Suricata::Monitoring->new( $args );
my $returned=$sm->run;
exit $returned->{alert};



Initiate the object.

The args are taken as a hash ref. The keys are documented as below.

The only must have is 'files'.

    - mode :: Wether the print_output output should be for Nagios or LibreNMS.
      - value :: 'librenms' or 'nagios'
      - Default :: librenms
    - drop_percent_warn :: Drop percent warning threshold.
      - Default :: .75;
    - drop_percent_crit :: Drop percent critical threshold.
      - Default :: 1
    - error_delta_warn :: Error delta warning threshold.
      - Default :: 1
    - error_delta_crit :: Error delta critical threshold.
      - Default :: 2
    - error_percent_warn :: Error percent warning threshold.
      - Default :: .05
    - error_percent_crit :: Error percent critical threshold.
      - Default :: .1
    - files :: A hash with the keys being the instance name and the values
      being the Eve files to read. ".total" is not a valid instance name.
      Similarly anything starting with a "." should be considred reserved.

    my $args = {
        mode               => 'librenms',
        drop_percent_warn  => .75;
        drop_percent_crit  => 1,
        error_delta_warn   => 1,
        error_delta_crit   => 2,
        error_percent_warn => .05,
        error_percent_crit => .1,

    my $sm=Suricata::Monitoring->new( $args );


This runs it and collects the data. Also updates the cache.

This will return a LibreNMS style hash.

my $returned=$sm->run;

Prints the output.



+ $hash{'alert'} :: Alert status.
  - 0 :: OK
  - 1 :: WARNING
  - 2 :: CRITICAL
  - 3 :: UNKNOWN

+ $hash{'alertString'} :: A string describing the alert. Defaults to
  '' if there is no alert.

+ $hash{'error'} :: A integer representing a error. '0' represents
  everything is fine.

+ $hash{'errorString'} :: A string description of the error.

+ $hash{'data'}{$instance} :: Values migrated from the
  instance. *_delta values are created via computing the difference
  from the previously saved info. *_percent is based off of the delta
  in question over the packet delta. Delta are created for packet,
  drop, ifdrop, and error. Percents are made for drop, ifdrop, and

+ $hash{'data'}{'.total'} :: Total values of from all the
  intances. Any percents will be recomputed.

The stat keys are migrated as below.

uptime           => $json->{stats}{uptime},
packets          => $json->{stats}{capture}{kernel_packets},
dropped          => $json->{stats}{capture}{kernel_drops},
ifdropped        => $json->{stats}{capture}{kernel_ifdrops},
errors           => $json->{stats}{capture}{errors},
bytes            => $json->{stats}{decoder}{bytes},
dec_packets      => $json->{stats}{decoder}{pkts},
dec_invalid      => $json->{stats}{decoder}{invalid},
dec_ipv4         => $json->{stats}{decoder}{ipv4},
dec_ipv6         => $json->{stats}{decoder}{ipv6},
dec_udp          => $json->{stats}{decoder}{udp},
dec_tcp          => $json->{stats}{decoder}{tcp},
dec_avg_pkt_size => $json->{stats}{decoder}{avg_pkt_size},
dec_max_pkt_size => $json->{stats}{decoder}{max_pkt_size},
dec_chdlc          => $json->{stats}{decoder}{chdlc},
dec_ethernet       => $json->{stats}{decoder}{ethernet},
dec_geneve         => $json->{stats}{decoder}{geneve},
dec_ieee8021ah     => $json->{stats}{decoder}{ieee8021ah},
dec_ipv4_in_ipv6   => $json->{stats}{decoder}{ipv6_in_ipv6},
dec_mx_mac_addrs_d => $json->{stats}{decoder}{max_mac_addrs_dst},
dec_mx_mac_addrs_s => $json->{stats}{decoder}{max_mac_addrs_src},
dec_mpls           => $json->{stats}{decoder}{mpls},
dec_ppp            => $json->{stats}{decoder}{ppp},
dec_pppoe          => $json->{stats}{decoder}{pppoe},
dec_raw            => $json->{stats}{decoder}{raw},
dec_sctp           => $json->{stats}{decoder}{sctp},
dec_sll            => $json->{stats}{decoder}{sll},
dec_teredo         => $json->{stats}{decoder}{teredo},
dec_too_many_layer => $json->{stats}{decoder}{too_many_layers},
dec_vlan           => $json->{stats}{decoder}{vlan},
dec_vlan_qinq      => $json->{stats}{decoder}{vlan_qinq},
dec_vntag          => $json->{stats}{decoder}{vntag},
dec_vxlan          => $json->{stats}{decoder}{vxlan},
f_tcp              => $json->{stats}{flow}{tcp},
f_udp              => $json->{stats}{flow}{udp},
f_icmpv4           => $json->{stats}{flow}{icmpv4},
f_icmpv6           => $json->{stats}{flow}{icmpv6},
f_memuse           => $json->{stats}{flow}{memuse},
ftp_memuse         => $json->{stats}{ftp}{memuse},
http_memuse        => $json->{stats}{http}{memuse},
tcp_memuse         => $json->{stats}{tcp}{memuse},
tcp_reass_memuse   => $json->{stats}{tcp}{reassembly_memuse},
af_*               => $json->{stats}{app_layer}{flow}{*}
at_*               => $json->{stats}{app_layer}{tx}{*}


Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, <vvelox at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-suricata-monitoring at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Suricata::Monitoring

You can also look for information at:

"Suricata-Monitoring.git" in



This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 752:

Unknown directive: =head

Around line 756:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 760:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'