Toader Entry Documentation

Entry Storage

Each entry is stored under a ".toader/entries" a file in the Toader directory. Each file has a specifically formated date, as below.


File Format

The storage used is MIME.

The following headers are should be used.


'renderer' is the name of the renderer to use.

'title' is the title for the article.

'summary' is a summary of the entry.

'Date' is a RFC 2822 date.

'From' is a RFC 5322 email address. This is for the author.

'publish' is a boolean value specifies if a entry should be published or not. The values used are '0' and '1'. If not specified, it defaults to '1'.



The entry content, the 'renderContent' method, is rendered in three passes.

Pass One

First the body is ran through Text::Template.

No template is used for this pass.

The variables below are passed to Text::Template.

title - This is the title of the entry.
from - This is the author or authors, from the From header.
date - This is the entry name/date stap.
g - This is a Toader::Render::General object.
toader - This is a Toader object.
sec - Seconds value take from the Date header.
min - Minutes value take from the Date header.
hour - Hours value take from the Date header.
day - Day value take from the Date header.
month - Month value take from the Date header.
year - Year value take from the Date header.
zone - Time zone value take from the Date header.
self - The Toader::Render::Entry object.
obj - The Toader::Entry object.
c - The Config::Tiny object containing the Toader config.

Pass Two

Second the return results are of the first pass is ran through specified backend.

No template is used for this.

Pass Three

The third pass generates what can be included into something.

The template used is 'entryContent'. The default one is below.

<div id="content">
  <h4>[== $g->elink( $g->or2r, $date, $title ) ==]</h4>
  Date: [== $year.$month.$day."-".$hour.":".$min ==] <br>
  Author: [== $g->authorsLink( $from ) ==]<br>
  <div id="content">
    [== $body ==]

The variaables below are passed to Text::Template.

body - This is output from pass two.
title - This is the title of the entry.
from - This is the author or authors, from the From header.
date - This is the entry name/date stap.
g - This is a Toader::Render::General object.
toader - This is a Toader object.
sec - Seconds value take from the Date header.
min - Minutes value take from the Date header.
hour - Hours value take from the Date header.
day - Day value take from the Date header.
month - Month value take from the Date header.
year - Year value take from the Date header.
zone - Time zone value take from the Date header.
self - The Toader::Render::Entry object.
obj - The Toader::Entry object.
c - The Config::Tiny object containing the Toader config.

Output Rendering.

This is rendered via the 'render' method.

The template used is 'page' with the variables below passed to it.

toader - The Toader object.
g - The Toader::Render::General object.
self - The Toader::Render::Entry object.
obj - The Toader::Entry object.
c - The Config::Tiny object containing the Toader config.
content - The output from the 'renderContent' method.

Once that is created, it is written to $outputDir.'/'.$r2r.'/.pages/'.$pageName.'/index.html'. Any files are written to $outputDir.'/'.$r2r.'/.pages/'.$pageName.'/.files/' .

Object Specific Methods


This renders the archive of all entries.

The 'page' template is used with the following variables passed to it.

toader - This is the Toader object.
g - This is the Toader::Render::General object.
self - This is the Toader::Render::Entry object.
obj - This is the Toader::Entry object.
c - This is the Config::Tiny object holding the Toader config.
locationID - This is the location ID to use, 'Entries Archive'.
content - This is the return from 'archiveContent' method.

Once that has been created, it is writen to $outputDir.'/'.$r2r.'/.entries/archive.html' .


This creates the content for the archive method.

This uses the template 'entryArchive' and passes the variables below to it.

    toader - This is the Toader object.
	g - This is the Toader::Render::General object.
	self - This is the Toader::Render::Entry object.
	obj - This is the Toader::Entry object.
	c - This is the Config::Tiny object.

The default template is as below.

[== $g->entryArchive ==]


This renders the index page for the '.entries' directory.

The template used is 'page' and the variables below are passed to it.

    toader - This is the Toader object.
	g - This is the Toader::Render::General object.
	self - This is the Toader::Render::Entry object.
	obj - This is the Toader::Entry object.
	c - This is the Config::Tiny object holding the Toader config.
    content - This is the return from the 'indexContent' method.

Once it has been rendered, it is written to $outputDir.'/'.$r2r.'/.entries/index.html' .


This renders the content for the 'index.html' page.

The template 'entryIndex' is used.

    toader - The Toader object.
	g - The Toader::Render::General object.
	self - The Toader::Render::Entry object.
	obj - The Toader::Entry object.
	c - The Config::Tinry holding the Toader config.

The default template is as below.

[== $g->lastEntries( $c->{_}->{last} ) ==]