
Common Variables In The Documentation

Below is a list of variables that are commonly used in documentation.

$entryName - The entry name for a Toader::Entry object.
$outputDir - This is base directory for writing output to.
$r2r - This is relative path from root Toader direcotry to the current one.
$toaderDir - This is a Toader directory.
$toaderRoot - This is the root Toader directory.
$pageName - This is the name of the page.

What is a Toader directory?

A Toader directory is a directory with a '.toader' directory in it. The Toader root is base Toader directory in a tree of Toader directories.

The following limitations are imposed on what can be a Toader directory.

First it can't be root, '/'.

Second, it can't begin with a period.

Third, it must be able to contain a '.toader' directory.

Below is a posibility of what a '.toader' directory may contain as well as the mapping to the relavent documentation.

entries/ - Entry.pod
pages/ - Pages.podf
index - Directory.pod
config.ini - Config.podf
templates/ - Templates.pod

Common Objects


This is a Toader directory. It renders to a single page that acts a index/landing page for a directory.

The related modules are as below.



Entries are basically a blog entry or a article in a Toader directory.

By default the last entries page will the 25 newest articles.

The related modules are as below.



This is a single named page. It is for creating like a about page, contact page, etc.

The related modules are as below.



Rendering is handled be done via two methods, if not doing it via the command line tools.

The first is to use Toader::Render. This is the simpler method as once initiated Toader::Render can be reused.

The second is to invoke the rendering module for that type of object directly and use it to render it. For some things this is required as there are

The template "page" is used for rendering all pages. It is as below.

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    	<title> [== $c->{_}->{siteTitle} ==] </title>
        <LINK href="[== $g->cssLocation ==]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    	<div id="header" >
    	  [== $g->top ==]
    	<div id="location" >
    	  [== $g->locationbar( $locationID ) ==]
    	  <div id="sidebar" >
    		  if ( ! $g->hasEntries ){
    		    return "";
    	      return "		<h3>Entries</h3>\n".
    		  "		".$g->entriesLink." <br>\n".
    		  "		".$g->entriesArchiveLink." <br>\n".
    		  "		<hr>\n";
    		  my $pages=$g->listPages;
    		  if ( ( ! defined( $pages ) ) || ( $pages eq "" ) ){
    		    return "";
    		  return "		<h3>".$g->pageSummaryLink."</h3>\n".$pages."\n		<hr>\n";
    			if ( $g->atRoot ){
    				return "";
    			return $g->rlink("Go To The Root")."		<br>\n		";
    			       $g->upOneDirLink."		<br>\n		<br>";
    		[== $g->listDirs ==]
    	  <div id="maincontent" >
    		[== $content ==]
    	<div id="copyright">
            my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);
            return "Copyright ".$year." ".$c->{_}->{owner};

The following variables are passed to it.

toader - The Toader object.
g - The Toader::Render::General object.
self - The Toader::Render::Entry object.
obj - The Toader::Entry object.
c - The Config::Tinry holding the Toader config.
content - This is the content to be included in the content section of the page.