App::Wubot::Plugin::Roles::Cache - role for plugins that need to cache data between runs
version 0.3.6
with 'App::Wubot::Plugin::Roles::Cache';
# the standard monitor plugin check() method
sub check {
my ( $self, $inputs ) = @_;
# monitor gets data from whatever it is monitoring, e.g. items
# in a feed, files in a directory, etc.
my @things = $self->get_some_things();
# iterate through the things to determine which ones are new.
for my $thing ( @things ) {
# if we've already seen this item before, move along
if ( $self->cache_is_seen( $cache, $thing ) ) {
$self->logger->trace( "Already seen: ", $thing );
# touch cache time on this subject to prevent this item
# from getting expired from the cache
$self->cache_mark_seen( $cache, $thing );
# nothing else to do with this one
next THING;
# this is the first time we've seen this thing. keep track of
# it so we don't react to it next time this check runs
$self->cache_mark_seen( $cache, $subject );
# this will get returned
push @react, { subject => "new thing: $thing" };
# delete all the cached things that we haven't seen in the
# last 7 days
$self->cache_expire( $cache );
return { cache => $cache, react => \@react };
This role makes it easy for a plugin to cache data that it may need to keep track of in-between checks.
For example, an RSS plugin monitors a feed for new articles. Each time it runs, it fetches a complete list of all the articles in the feed. Therefore, it needs to use a cache file to keep track of the articles it has previously seen, and then only send new articles on to the reactor for processing.
- $obj->read_cache( $config );
This method loads the cache data from the cache file. This will get called lazily the first time the cache data is accessed.
- $obj->get_cache()
Return the cache data from memory. This does not read the cache file.
- $obj->write_cache( $cache )
Writes out the cache data to disk.
- $obj->cache_mark_seen( $cache, $id );
Mark an item as 'seen' in the cache.
The time that the item was marked as 'seen' will be recorded in the hash so that old items can eventually be removed.
You probably want to call this method on every item in the queue every time the check runs, to ensure that items that currently exist won't be expired.
- $obj->cache_is_seen( $cache, $id )
Determine if the specified id already exists in the cache.
Returns undef if the item does not already exist in the cache. If the item does already exist in the cache, it returns the time the 'seen' flag was last updated on the id.
- $obj->cache_expire( $cache )
Expire all items in the cache where the last update time is older than the expire_age. By default this is 7 days.
To override the default expire_age, define an expire_age moose param in your plugin to the number of seconds to keep untouched cache entries. For example,
has 'expire_age' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => 3600, );
If your plugin has previous cached data, then the cache file gets read by the App::Wubot::Check library prior to calling your plugin's check() method. If you want to write data out to the cache, simply include it in the 'cache' key in your check() method's returned hash data. See the example for more details.
Note that the cache data is written out as a YAML file each time your check runs. This can be expensive if you are caching a large amount of data (or a moderately large amount of data for a check that runs frequently). If that is the case, then you may want to implement a more efficient caching method.