App::Wubot::Util::Colors - color themes for wubot


version 0.3.7


This module defines color codes for named colors for the wubot web ui.

The web ui is still under development. Current the colors are hard-coded. In the future these will be configurable.

The current colors are based on the solarized color schema. For more info, see:

Here is the current color names represent the following hex codes:

black      #333333
blue       #268bd2
brblack    #002b36
brblue     #839496
brcyan     #93a1a1
brgreen    #586e75
brmagenta  #d33682
brwhite    #fdf6e3
bryellow   #657b83
cyan       #2aa198
dark       black
green      #859900
magenta    #770077
orange     #cb4b16
pink       #FF33FF
purple     magenta
red        #dc322f
violet     #6c71c4
white      #eee8d5
yellow     #b58900

TODO: finish docs


$obj->get_color( $color_name )

if there is a hex code defined in the theme for the specified color name, return that hex code.

If called with a hex color or a color name that is not defined in the theme, just returns the text that was passed in.