Changes for version 0.4.1 - 2012-04-01
- pulled out WubotX into a separate project,
- you must check out the WubotX project from github to use any plugins that were moved to WubotX
- see the README for instructions on getting and using Wubotx
perform a single check of an instance of a plugin
perform a single check of an instance of a plugin
start the wubot monitoring process
start the wubot reactor process
start the Mojolicious wubot web interface
monitoring arduino sensor data
guide for debugging feeds
example fu for handling feeds
monitoring and reacting to a feed
guide for using wubot
overview of the monitor plugins
guide for running multiple communicating bots
guide to using notifications
wtf is wubot?
overview of the reactor plugins
rule field description
guide to using wubot to monitor tasks
guide for using the wubot web interface
personal distributed reactive automation
perform checks for an instance of a monitor
evaluation conditions on reactor rules
read wubot plugin configuration
add or remove messages from a local wubot SQLite message queue
wubot logging library
monitor the arp table for new entries
verify that the latest versions of all Perl modules are installed
monitor a directory for new files
monitor disk space
monitor number of lines matching regular expressions in a file
monitor a log file for all new lines
monitor for new firefox bookmarks
monitor number of emails in the inbox using Outlook Web
monitor the last modified time on a path
monitor ping response from a remote host
send a message once per minute
role for plugins that need to cache data between runs
a role that should be used by all wubot plugins
monitor results of SQLite queries
monitor for new safari bookmarks
a plugin for testing purposes
monitor system load
fetch content from a URL
monitor a web page for items matching a regexp
runs reactive rules on a message
capture data from a field using a regexp
build a clean filename or directory name from a field
clean a field using a regexp
display a notification to stdout
copy the value from one field to another field
remove a field from the message
display the contents of a field or an entire message
set keys and values if a field is false
set keys and values if the value of a field exceeds a value
strip HTML data from a field
map the value of one field to a value for another using a lookup table
search for an appropriate icon for a message
strip image tags from a field
set keys and values if the value of a field is less than a value
create a subdirectory
store messages in a App::Wubot::LocalMessageStore queue
insert or update a message in a SQLite table row
delete a row from a SQLite table
set one or more fields on the message to a configured value
split a CSV field on a message out into multiple other fields
keep track of check statuses
build a field using existing message fields as a template
use a regexps to transform the data in a field
try to identify user from the 'username' field
fetch data from a URL
write data from a message to an external file
the wubot library for working with SQLite
color themes for wubot
under construction
follow the tail of a growing file
utilities for dealing with time durations
fetch content from the web
under construction
Mojolicious web interface for wubot
web interface for wubot graphs
WubotX extensions manager
in lib/App/Wubot/Obj/Roles/
in lib/App/Wubot/Web/Obj/Roles/