Wubot::Reactor::CleanFilename - build a clean filename or directory name from a field


version 0.1_10


- name: clean filename
  plugin: CleanFilename
    field: filename_base

- name: clean filename
  plugin: CleanFilename
    field: directory
    directory: 1
    lc: 1


This plugin will take the contents of a field and make it into a safe filename. This includes replacing any characters other than the following with underscores:

a-z, A-Z, 0-9
_ (underscore)
- (dash)
. (period)

If the 'directory' config param is set, then a forward slash will also be allowed in the name. This can be useful with the MakeDirectory plugin.

Setting the 'lc' config param will lower-case the contents.

Some additional cleanup is done to make the filename pretty:

multiple consecutive underscores are replaced with a single underscore
_-_ will be replaced with simply -
"foo's thing" will become "foos_thing" rather than "foo_s_thing"