The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use Moose;
our $VERSION = '0.1_8'; # VERSION
use POSIX qw(strftime);
has 'timelength' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Wubot::TimeLength',
lazy => 1,
default => sub { return Wubot::TimeLength->new(); },
sub check {
my ( $self, $inputs ) = @_;
my $cache = $inputs->{cache};
my $now = time;
my $message = {};
# if the next sunrise/sunset event listed in the cache is in the
# future, then use that date instead of re-calculating
if ( $cache->{next_utime} && $cache->{next_utime} > $now ) {
$message = $inputs->{cache};
delete $message->{lastupdate};
$message->{cache_remaining} = $cache->{next_utime} - $now;
my $diff = $message->{next_utime} - $now;
$message->{diff} = $diff;
my $mins = int( $diff / 60 );
# send a message when there is a round number of hours before
# the next sunrise/sunset
return unless $mins % 60 == 0;
my $diff_time = $self->timelength->get_human_readable( $mins*60 );
$message->{subject} = "$cache->{next} in $diff_time";
return { react => $message };
my $config = $inputs->{config};
$message->{sunrise} = sun_rise( $config->{longitude}, $config->{latitude} );
$message->{sunset} = sun_set( $config->{longitude}, $config->{latitude} );
my $dst_flag = ( localtime() )[-1];
my $time = strftime( "%H:%M", localtime( $now ) );
# if after sunset, get next sunrise time
if ( $time gt $message->{sunset} ) {
$message->{after_sunset} = 1;
$message->{sunrise} = sun_rise( $config->{longitude}, $config->{latitude}, 0, 1 );
$message->{next} = 'sunrise';
$message->{next_utime} = UnixDate( ParseDate( "tomorrow $message->{sunrise}" ), "%s" );
if ( $dst_flag ) { $message->{next_utime} -= 3600 }
$message->{next_until} = $self->timelength->get_human_readable( $message->{next_utime} - $now );
$message->{subject} = "$message->{next} in $message->{next_until}";
elsif ( $time lt $message->{sunrise} ) {
$message->{before_sunrise} = 1;
$message->{next} = 'sunrise';
$message->{next_utime} = UnixDate( ParseDate( $message->{sunrise} ), "%s" );
if ( $dst_flag ) { $message->{next_utime} -= 3600 }
$message->{next_until} = $self->timelength->get_human_readable( $message->{next_utime} - $now );
$message->{subject} = "$message->{next} in $message->{next_until}";
else {
$message->{daytime} = 1;
$message->{next} = 'sunset';
$message->{next_utime} = UnixDate( ParseDate( $message->{sunset} ), "%s" );
if ( $dst_flag ) { $message->{next_utime} -= 3600 }
$message->{next_until} = $self->timelength->get_human_readable( $message->{next_utime} - $now );
$message->{subject} = "$message->{next} in $message->{next_until}";
return { react => $message, cache => $message };
=head1 NAME
Wubot::Plugin::SunRise - monitor the sunrise and sunset times
=head1 VERSION
version 0.1_8
enable: 1
longitude: -123.4567890
latitude: 46.8002468
delay: 1m
Uses Astro::Sunrise to monitor the sunrise and sunset times based on
your location.
A notification will be sent after a state change, and then each hour
before the event. For example, if the plugin is first run at 6:45pm,
and the sunset is at 9:30pm, then the following messages would be
6:45pm - 2h45m until sunset
7:30pm - 2h until sunset
8:30pm - 1h until sunset
9:30pm - sunset
9:31pm - XhYm until sunrise
=head1 HINTS
If you find the monitor to be too noisy, the reactor could be used to
suppress some notifications.
=head1 CACHE
The time of the next sunrise or sunset will be cached in the global
cache. This prevents needing to do the expensive calculation over and
The cache file lives in: