Wubot::Guide::ReactorPlugins - overview of the reactor plugins


- modify a field
  - SetField - set one or more fields to a configured value
  - CopyField - copy one field on the message to another field
  - DeleteField - remove a field and it's value from the message
  - CaptureData - use a regexp to capture data from a field and store it in another field
  - TransformField - capture data and reference that data in a value stored in another field
  - Split - split a field into multiple values and store the results in other fields
  - Template - reference message fields in a template to generate another field
  - HashLookup - look up the value of a field in a configured hash to populate another field
  - HTMLStrip - strip the HTML from a field
  - ImageStrip - strip image tags from a field

- files and directories
  - CleanFilename - use the contents of a field to generate a safe and clean file or directory name
  - MakeDirectory - create a directory using a field on the message as the directory name
  - WriteFile - write the contents of a field to a file

- export message data
  - RRD - store fields from the message in an RRD database and generate graphs
  - SQLite - insert or update fields from the message in a SQL table using a configured schema
  - SQLiteDelete - delete items in a sqlte table matching conditions defined in the message
  - Maildir - store the entire message in a maildir
  - MessageQueue - store the entire message in a wubot FIFO queue, implemented in SQLite

- commands
  - Command - execute a command and capture the output and status, with named fork queues

- notifications
  - Console - send a colorized console notification of the message subject
  - Growl - send a growl notification of the message subject
  - Icon - look for a suitable icon based on some common fields in the message
  - Dumper - dump the entire message using YAML::Dump, generally for debugging
  - IRC - send a message to a channel or a user on IRC
  - Voice - speak a message 'subject' field on OS X

- data variation
  - State - send a notification any time a field's value changes by more than a configured amount

Each plugin has its own configuration schema. More information coming on this soon.