#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.3.0'; # VERSION
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( 'default' );
my ( $plugin, $key ) = @ARGV;
unless ( $plugin && $key ) {
die "ERROR: you must specify both a plugin and a key name!"
$logger->warn( "PLUGIN: $plugin" );
$logger->warn( "KEY: $key" );
my $glob = "$ENV{HOME}/wubot/config/plugins/$plugin/$key.yaml*";
my ( $config_file ) = glob( $glob );
unless ( $config_file ) {
die "ERROR: config file not found: $glob";
unless ( -r $config_file ) {
$logger->logdie( "ERROR: config file not found: $config_file" );
my $config = YAML::LoadFile( $config_file );
$config->{nofork} = 1;
$logger->info( "CONFIG: ", YAML::Dump $config );
my $cache_file = "$ENV{HOME}/wubot/cache/$plugin-$key.yaml";
if ( -r $cache_file ) {
$logger->info( "Found cache file: $cache_file" );
my $check = App::Wubot::Check->new( { key => "$plugin-$key",
class => "App::Wubot::Plugin::$plugin",
cache_file => $cache_file,
} );
my $j = AnyEvent->condvar;
$logger->info( "Initializing" );
print YAML::Dump $check->init( $config );
$logger->info( "Checking" );
eval { # try
print YAML::Dump $config;
my $results = $check->check( $config );
print YAML::Dump $results;
} or do { # catch
print "ERROR RUNNING CHECK: $@\n";
=head1 NAME
wubot-check - perform a single check of an instance of a plugin
=head1 VERSION
version 0.3.0
wubot-check Plugin id
# example
wubot-check RSS slashdot
This script makes it easy to perform a single check of an instance of
a monitor.
See also: L<App::Wubot::Guide::Debugging>