App::Wubot::Util::TimeLength - utilities for dealing with time durations
version 0.3.0
use App::Wubot::Util::TimeLength;
my $timelength = App::Wubot::Util::TimeLength->new();
# returns '1h1m'
$timelength->get_human_readable( 3601 );
# returns 1.5
$timelength->get_hours( 60*60*1.5 );
# returns 3601
$timelength->get_seconds( '1h1s' );
# rounds 1.5 days, 1 minute, and 10 seconds to nearest hour: 1d12h
$timelength->get_human_readable( 60*60*24*1.5+70 )
# use a space delimiter
my $timelength = App::Wubot::Util::TimeLength->new( space => 1 ),
# returns '1h 1s' with space delimiter
$timelength->get_human_readable( 3601 );
This class provides some utilities for dealing with time durations. It supports the 'compact' form used by Convert::Age, but with a few variations.
For the sake of simplicity, one month is always treated as 30 days, and one year is always represented as 365 days.
- $obj->get_seconds( $time );
When given a date in the 'compact' form (e.g. '1h1m' or '1h 1m'), returns the number of seconds.
- $obj->get_human_readable( $seconds );
Given a number of seconds, return the time in 'compact' form. For example, '3601' seconds returns '1h1s'.
Time lengths are rounded to the most significant two fields. For example, 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute, and 1 second would be rounded to 1d1h. Obviously this method is not intended for precise time calculations, but rather for human-friendly ones. Please don't try to convert a number of seconds to the human-readable format, and then convert that back to a number of seconds, as it will most likely be different due to rounding!!! If you need a more precise calculation, use Convert::Age.
If the 'space' option was set at construction time, then a space delimiter will be used in the resulting string, e.g. '1h 1m'.
- $obj->get_hours( $seconds )
Given a number of seconds, return the number of hours rounded to a single digit.
- $obj->get_age_color( $seconds )
Given a number of seconds, return a color representing the age. This helps to very quickly assess the age of an item by looking at the color. A steady stream of items with evenly spaced ages will create a smooth gradient of color. Different colors are used to represent the age in minutes, hours, days, or months.
If the age is younger than 1 hour, the color will be somewhere in the spectrum from light pink (brand new) to dark purple (1 hour old).
If the age is between 1 hour and 1 day old, the color will vary from light blue to dark blue.
If the age is between 1 day and 1 month, the color will vary from a rather light gray to black.
If the age is greater than 1 month year, the color will be an increasingly dark yellow color.
This should be configurable in the future.