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use Moose;
our $VERSION = '0.3.2'; # VERSION
use YAML;
has 'cache' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef',
default => sub {
return {};
has 'timelength' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'App::Wubot::Util::TimeLength',
lazy => 1,
default => sub { return App::Wubot::Util::TimeLength->new(); },
has 'logger' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Log::Log4perl::Logger',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
return Log::Log4perl::get_logger( __PACKAGE__ );
has 'cachedir' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
my $dir = join( "/", $ENV{HOME}, "wubot", "state" );
unless ( -d $dir ) { mkpath( $dir ) };
return $dir;
sub react {
my ( $self, $message, $config ) = @_;
my $key = $message->{key};
my $field = $config->{field};
my $field_data = $message->{ $field } || 0;
my $filename = join( ".", join( "_", $key, $field ), "yaml" );
$filename =~ s|[^\w\d\_\-\.]+|_|;
my $cache_file = join( "/", $self->cachedir, $filename );
$self->logger->debug( "State cache file: $cache_file" );
my $cache;
my $lastvalue;
if ( -r $cache_file ) {
$cache = YAML::LoadFile( $cache_file );
if ( $config->{notify_interval} ) {
$cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{notify_interval} = $config->{notify_interval};
if ( exists $cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{value} ) {
$lastvalue = $cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{value} || 0;
else {
$lastvalue = $field_data;
$cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{value} = $field_data;
$cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{lastupdate} = $message->{lastupdate} || time;
$message->{state_init} = 1;
$self->logger->info( "Initialized state for $key: $field" );
my $update_cache = 0;
my $changed_flag = 0;
unless ( $field_data == $lastvalue ) {
$message->{state_change} = $field_data - $lastvalue;
my $cache_age_string = "";
if ( $cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{lastchange} ) {
= $self->timelength->get_human_readable(
time - $cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{lastchange}
$cache_age_string = " ($cache_age_string)";
if ( $config->{increase} ) {
if ( $message->{state_change} >= $config->{increase} ) {
$message->{subject} = "$key: $field increased: $lastvalue => $field_data$cache_age_string";
$message->{state_changed} = 1;
$update_cache = 1;
$changed_flag = 1;
elsif ( $message->{state_change} < 0 ) {
# if we're looking for an increase, and the data
# actually decreased, update the cache with the higher
# value
$update_cache = 1;
elsif ( $config->{decrease} ) {
if ( $message->{state_change} <= -$config->{decrease} ) {
$message->{subject} = "$key: $field decreased: $lastvalue => $field_data$cache_age_string";
$message->{state_changed} = 1;
$update_cache = 1;
$changed_flag = 1;
elsif ( $message->{state_change} > 0 ) {
# if we're looking for a decrease, and the data
# actually increased, update the cache with the higher
# value
$update_cache = 1;
else {
if ( abs( $message->{state_change} ) > $config->{change} ) {
$message->{subject} = "$key: $field changed: $lastvalue => $field_data$cache_age_string";
$message->{state_changed} = 1;
$update_cache = 1;
$changed_flag = 1;
if ( $update_cache ) {
$cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{value} = $field_data;
if ( $changed_flag ) {
$cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{lastchange} = $message->{lastupdate} || time;
$cache->{ $key }->{ $field }->{lastupdate} = $message->{lastupdate} || time;
YAML::DumpFile( $cache_file, $cache );
return $message;
sub monitor {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my @react;
my $now = time;
my $directory = $self->cachedir;
my $dir_h;
opendir( $dir_h, $directory ) or die "Can't opendir $directory: $!";
while ( defined( my $entry = readdir( $dir_h ) ) ) {
next unless $entry && $entry =~ m|\.yaml$|;
my $cache = YAML::LoadFile( "$directory/$entry" );
for my $key ( sort keys %{ $cache } ) {
for my $field ( sort keys %{ $cache->{$key} } ) {
my $check_age = $now - $cache->{$key}->{$field}->{lastupdate};
if ( $check_age > 600 ) {
my $notify_interval = $cache->{$key}->{$field}->{notify_interval};
if ( $notify_interval ) {
my $interval = $self->timelength->get_seconds( $notify_interval );
$self->logger->debug( "Checking notify_interval: $notify_interval: $interval" );
my $last_notify = $cache->{$key}->{$field}->{last_notify} || 0;
my $notify_age = $now - $last_notify;
if ( $last_notify && $notify_age < $interval ) {
$self->logger->debug( "Suppressing notification, last=$notify_age, interval=$interval" );
next FIELD;
$cache->{$key}->{$field}->{last_notify} = $now;
YAML::DumpFile( "$directory/$entry", $cache );
my $check_age_string = $self->timelength->get_human_readable( $check_age );
my $warning = "Warning: cache data for $key:$field not updated in $check_age_string";
$self->logger->warn( $warning );
push @react, { key => $key, subject => $warning, lastupdate => $now };
closedir( $dir_h );
return unless @react;
return @react;
=head1 NAME
App::Wubot::Reactor::State - monitor the state of message fields over time
=head1 VERSION
version 0.3.2
TODO: More to come...
=over 8
=item react( $message, $config )
The standard reactor plugin react() method.
=item monitor()
The standard reactor monitor() method.