XML::GSA - Creates xml in google search appliance (GSA) format


Version 0.06


This is a lib that allows one to create xml in Google Search Appliance (GSA) format.

You can use this lib in the following way:

use XML::GSA;

my $gsa = XML::GSA->new('base_url' => '');
my $xml = $gsa->create(
    [   {   'action'  => 'add',
            'records' => [
                {   'url'      => '/aaa',
                    'mimetype' => 'text/plain',
                    'action'   => 'delete',
                {   'url'      => '/bbb',
                    'mimetype' => 'text/plain',
                    'metadata' => [
                        { 'name' => 'og:title', 'content' => 'BBB' },
print $xml;

Which will output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE gsafeed PUBLIC "-//Google//DTD GSA Feeds//EN" "">
<gsafeed><header><datasource>Source</datasource><feedtype>incremental</feedtype></header><group action="add"><record action="delete" url="" mimetype="text/plain"></record><record url="" mimetype="text/plain"><metadata><meta content="BBB" name="og:title"></meta></metadata></record></group></gsafeed>


new( $params )

Create a new XML::GSA object:

my $gsa = XML::GSA->new('base_url' => '');

Arguments of this method are an anonymous hash of parameters:


Defines the datasource to be included in the header of the xml.


Defines the type of the feed. This attribute tells the feed what kind of attributes the records are able to receive.


Defines a base url to be preppended to all records' urls.

type( $value )

Getter/setter for the type attribute of GSA feed. By default it is 'incremental'. Possible values are 'incremental', 'full' or 'metadata-and-url'

datasource( $value )

Getter/setter for the datasource attribute of GSA feed. By default it is 'web'.

base_url( $value )

Getter/setter for the base_url attribute of GSA feed. This is an url that will be preppended to all record urls. If a base_url is not defined, one must pass full urls in the records data structure.

create( $data )

Receives an arrayref data structure where each entry represents a group in the xml, generates an xml in GSA format and returns it as a string. Important note: All data passed to create must be in unicode! This class will utf-8 encode it making it compatible with GSA.

One can have has many group has one wants, and a group is an hashref with an optional key 'action' and a mandatory key 'records'. The key 'action' can have the values of 'add' or 'delete' and the 'records' key is an array of hashrefs.

Each hashref in the array corresponding to 'records' can have the following keys:

* Mandatory
    * url
    * mimetype => (text/plain|text/html) - in the future it will also support other mimetype
* Optional
    * action            => (add|delete)
    * lock              => (true|false)
    * displayurl        => an url
    * last-modified     => a well formatted date as string
    * authmethod        => (none|httpbasic|ntlm|httpsso)
    * pagerank          => an int number
    * crawl-immediately => (true|false)
    * crawl-once        => (true|false)


Creates the xml using the groups already added to the object.

add_group( $group )

Receives an hashref data structure representing a group and adds it to the current feed - you must call the `create` method with no arguments to have the xml updated. A group is an hashref with an optional key 'action' and a mandatory key 'records'. The key 'action' can have the values of 'add' or 'delete' and the 'records' key is an array of hashrefs.

Each hashref in the array corresponding to 'records' can have the following keys:

* Mandatory
    * url
    * mimetype => (text/plain|text/html) - in the future it will also support other mimetype
* Optional
    * action            => (add|delete)
    * lock              => (true|false)
    * displayurl        => an url
    * last-modified     => a well formatted date as string
    * authmethod        => (none|httpbasic|ntlm|httpsso)
    * pagerank          => an int number
    * crawl-immediately => (true|false)
    * crawl-once        => (true|false)

Important note: All data passed must be in unicode! This class will utf-8 encode it making it compatible with GSA.

add_group( $group )

Receives an instance of the class XML::GSA::Group and adds it to the current feed - you must call the `create` method with no arguments to have the xml updated.


Empties the property `groups` of this class.


Getter for the xml generated by the `create` method.


Getter for the xml generated by the `create` method.


Getter for the encoding used in this class


Getter for the array of groups added to this class


Getter for the XML::Writer object used in this class to create the xml


Shemahmforash, <shemahmforash at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-xml-gsa at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc XML::GSA

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2013-2014 Shemahmforash.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see