Changes for version 1.08

  • compatibility
    • I regression tested against Elluminate 9.0 to check results.
    • Recording and groups had some problems and failing tests
    • I skipped all tests that involve Elive::Entity::Session. It wasn't usable (as expected).
    • Elive::View::Session worked pretty well, after one minor bug fix (see below).
    • I made some modifications to the soap-connect.t to treat 9.0 as the mininum supported version and 9.5+ as the recommended version.
    • Under Elive 10.0.1+ the getUser command (Elive::Entity::User retrieve method) matches on both userId and loginName.
    • I relaxed the _readback() consistancy checks to allow this. Also, added tests to soap-user.t to capture this behaviour.
  • bug fixes
    • Elive::Entity::Session - the retrieve() method now returns null when an attempt is made to access a non-existent meeting. This fix was sufficient pass all Elive::View::Session tests on Elluminate 9.0.


General Development Notes


Elluminate Live! (c) Command Toolkit bindings
Manage Elluminate Live SOAP connections.
Manage Elluminate Live SDK SOAP connections.
Abstract class for Elive Data Access Objects
Base class for arrays
Singleton mixin class
Base class for Elive Entities
Elluminate Group entity instance class
Group Members entity class
Invited Guest entity class
Elluminate Meeting instance class
Meeting parameters entity class
A Single Meeting Participant
Meeting Participants entity class
A list of participants
Elluminate Preload instance class
List of Preloads
Elluminate Recording Entity class
Elluminate Report entity instance class
Elluminate Role entity class
Server Details entity class
Meeting server parameters entity class
Session insert/update via ELM 3.x
Elluminate Users entity class
Utility functions for Elive
Type introspection class
Session view class