Test::Mock::One - Mock the world with one object
version 0.005
use Test::Mock::One;
my $mock = Test::Mock::One->new(
foo => 'return value',
bar => 1,
hashref => \{ foo => 'bar' },
arrayref => \[ foo => 'bar' ],
code => sub { return your_special_function() },
$mock->foo; # 'return value'
$mock->bar; # 1
$mock->hashref; # { foo => bar}
$mock->arrayref; # [ foo, bar ]
$mock->code; # executes your_special_function
$mock->no->yes->work->it; # works fine
In combination with Sub::Override
my $override = Sub::Override->new('Foo::Bar::baz', sub { Test::Mock::One(foo => 'bar') });
You now have Foo::Bar::baz that returns an object where the function foo returns bar.
Let's say you want to test a function that retrieves a user from a database and checks if it is active
Package Foo;
use Moose;
has schema => ( is => 'ro' );
sub check_user_in_db {
my ($self, $username) = @_;
my $user = $self->schema->resultset('User')->search_rs({username => $username})->first;
return $user if $user->is_active;
die "Unable to find user";
# In your test
my $foo = Foo->new(
schema => Test::Mock::One->new(
schema => {
resultset =>
{ search_rs => { first => { is_active => undef } } }
'X-Mock-Strict' => 1,
# Is the same as above, without Strict mode
$foo = Foo->new(
schema => Test::Mock::One->new(
is_active => undef
# This doesn't work with X-Mock-Strict enabled, because
# the chain schema->resultset->search_rs->first cannot be
# resolved
sub {
qr/Unable to find user/,
"username isn't active"
# A sunny day scenario would have been:
my $mock = Foo->new(schema => Test::Mock::One->new());
lives_ok(sub { $mock->check_user_in_db('username')}, "We found the user");
Be able to mock many things with little code by using AUTOLOAD.
The problem this module tries to solve is to allow testing many things without having to write a monkey patch kind of solution in your test. Test::Mock::One tries to solve this by creating an object that can do "everything", and allows you to control specific behaviour. It works really well in combination with Sub::Override.
The methods copy the X-Mock attributes from their parent to themselves.
Ways to override specific behaviours
- X-Mock-Strict
Boolean value. Undefined attributes will not be mocked and calling them makes us die.
- X-Mock-ISA
Mock the ISA into the given class. Supported ways to mock the ISA:
'X-Mock-ISA' => 'Some::Pkg', 'X-Mock-ISA' => qr/Some::Pkg/, 'X-Mock-ISA' => [qw(Some::Pkg Other::Pkg)], 'X-Mock-ISA' => sub { return 0 }, 'X-Mock-ISA' => undef,
- X-Mock-Stringify
Tell us how to stringify the object
'X-Mock-Stringify' => 'My custom string', 'X-Mock-Stringify' => sub { return "foo" },
Returns true or false, depending on how X-Mock-Strict is set.
Wesley Schwengle <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Wesley Schwengle.
This is free software, licensed under:
The (three-clause) BSD License