Test::Mock::One - Mock the world with one object
version 0.007
use Test::Mock::One;
my $mock = Test::Mock::One->new(
foo => 'return value',
bar => 1,
hashref => \{ foo => 'bar' },
arrayref => \[ foo => 'bar' ],
code => sub { return your_special_function() },
$mock->foo; # 'return value'
$mock->bar; # 1
$mock->hashref; # { foo => bar}
$mock->arrayref; # [ foo, bar ]
$mock->code; # executes your_special_function
$mock->no->yes->work->it; # works fine
In combination with Sub::Override:
my $override = Sub::Override->new('Foo::Bar::baz', sub { Test::Mock::One(foo => 'bar') });
Be able to mock many things with little code by using AUTOLOAD.
The problem this module tries to solve is to allow testing many things without having to write many lines of code. If you want to create mock objects you often need to write code like this:
no warnings qw(redefine once);
local *Foo::thing = sub {
return bless({}, 'Baz');
local *Baz::foo = sub { return 1 };
local *Baz::bar = sub { return 1 };
local *Baz::baz = sub { return 1 };
use warnings;
# Actual test here
Test::Mock::One allows you to write a simple object that allows you to do the same with
my $mock = Test::Mock::One->new(foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1);
# Sub::Override helps too
my $override = Sub::Override->new('Foo::thing' => sub { return $mock });
# Actual test here
You don't actually need to define anything, by default method on a Test::Mock::One object will return itself. You can tweak the behaviour by how you instantiate the object. There are several attributes that control the object, these are defined as X-Mock attributes: X-Mock-ISA to override the isa(), X-Mock-Strict to override the can() and allowed methods and X-Mock-Stringify to tell it how to stringify the object.
Example usage
Let's say you want to test a function that retrieves a user from a database and checks if it is active
Package Foo;
use Moose;
has schema => (is => 'ro');
sub check_user_in_db {
my ($self, $username) = @_;
my $user = $self->schema->resultset('User')->search_rs(
{ username => $username }
return $user if $user && $user->is_active;
die "Unable to find user";
# In your test
my $foo = Foo->new(
schema => Test::Mock::One->new(
schema => {
resultset =>
{ search_rs => { first => { is_active => undef } } }
'X-Mock-Strict' => 1,
# Is the same as above, without Strict mode
$foo = Foo->new(
schema => Test::Mock::One->new(
is_active => undef
# This doesn't work with X-Mock-Strict enabled, because
# the chain schema->resultset->search_rs->first cannot be
# resolved
sub {
qr/Unable to find user/,
"username isn't active"
# A sunny day scenario would have been:
my $mock = Foo->new(schema => Test::Mock::One->new());
lives_ok(sub { $mock->check_user_in_db('username') },
"We found the user");
Instantiate a new Test::Mock::One object
- X-Mock-Strict
Boolean value. Undefined attributes will not be mocked and calling them makes us die.
- X-Mock-ISA
Mock the ISA into the given class. Supported ways to mock the ISA:
'X-Mock-ISA' => 'Some::Pkg', 'X-Mock-ISA' => qr/Some::Pkg/, 'X-Mock-ISA' => [qw(Some::Pkg Other::Pkg)], 'X-Mock-ISA' => sub { return 0 }, 'X-Mock-ISA' => undef,
- X-Mock-Stringify
Tell us how to stringify the object
'X-Mock-Stringify' => 'My custom string', 'X-Mock-Stringify' => sub { return "foo" },
- X-Mock-SelfArg
Boolean value. Make all the code blocks use $self. This allows you to do things like
Test::Mock::One->new( 'X-Mock-SelfArg' => 1, code => sub { my $self = shift; die "We have bar" if $self->foo eq 'bar'; return "some value"; } );
This also impacts
Returns true or false, depending on how X-Mock-ISA is set.
Returns true or false, depending on how X-Mock-Strict is set.
Wesley Schwengle <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Wesley Schwengle.
This is free software, licensed under:
The (three-clause) BSD License