Changes for version 0.002 - 2019-03-08
- CPAN-testers report issues with JSON::XS 4.01 which is buggy on perl 5.026 and up. This has been fixed by JSON::XS 4.02. Test with Dist::Zilla::Plugin::DynamicPrereqs to set the requirement to JSON::XS 4.02, otherwise we bump the required JSON::XS module to 4.02
- CPAN-testers report issues with Moo < 1.006000, bump the requirement for Moo to 1.006000
- Testing with Zaaksysteem showed an issue with create_with_document where the package ID wasn't set after a create
- Enhance the builders of objects to accept camelCase and snake_case for arguments so you can make an object directly from the JSON
- Enhance the TO_JSON to automaticly convert snake_case to camelCase so objects are serialized to JSON correctly without having to override the TO_JSON every time.
Create a ValidSign document package from the command line
A REST API client for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
Implementation of the Authentication tokens for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
A ValidSign object in use for the API
A Signer auth object (whatever that may be)
A ceremony object
A ValidSign Document object
A ValidSign DocumentPackage object
A ValidSign Sender object
A ValidSign Signature object
A ValidSign signer object
Moo(se) like types defined for WebService::ValidSign