Changes for version 0.003 - 2019-03-19

  • Failure is mandatory: CPAN-testers still report issues with JSON::XS 4.01 on various perl versions. Bump the requirement to 4.02 in all cases when 4.01 is found.
  • Added some tests and improved POD
  • Added bin-script for downloading files from ValidSign


Create a ValidSign document package from the command line
Create a ValidSign document package from the command line


A REST API client for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
Implementation of the Authentication tokens for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
A REST API client for ValidSign
A ValidSign object in use for the API
A Signer auth object (whatever that may be)
A ValidSign Document object
A ValidSign DocumentPackage object
A ValidSign Sender object
A ValidSign Signature object
A ValidSign signer object
Moo(se) like types defined for WebService::ValidSign