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## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic PodSpelling ProhibitExcessMainComplexity) # DEVELOPER DEFAULT 1a: allow unreachable & POD-commented code, must be on line 1; SYSTEM SPECIAL 4: allow complex code outside subroutines, must be on line 1
# NEED FIX: triplicate export code
package RPerl::Config;
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.003_041;
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils
## no critic qw(ProhibitUnreachableCode RequirePodSections RequirePodAtEnd) # DEVELOPER DEFAULT 1b: allow POD & unreachable or POD-commented code, must be after line 1
## no critic qw(ProhibitStringyEval) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 1: allow eval()
## no critic qw(ProhibitExplicitStdin) # USER DEFAULT 4: allow <STDIN> prompt
## no critic qw(Capitalization ProhibitMultiplePackages ProhibitReusedNames) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 3: allow multiple & lower case package names
## no critic qw(ProhibitAutomaticExportation) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 14: allow global exports from Config.pm
# DEV NOTE: this package exists to serve as the header file for RPerl.pm itself,
# as well as for RPerl.pm dependencies such as Class.pm, HelperFunctions_cpp.pm, and rperltypes.pm
# $OS_ERROR == $ERRNO == $!, $EVAL_ERROR == $@, $CHILD_ERROR == $?, $EXECUTABLE_NAME == $^X, $PROGRAM_NAME == $0, $OSNAME == $^O
# export various subroutines and variables to all who call 'use RPerl::Config;'
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # Dumper() output must be sorted for lib/RPerl/Tests/Type_Types/* etc.
use Carp;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Exporter 'import';
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp08: can't include to_string(), type(), types(), name(), or scope_type_name_value() in @EXPORT here or in RPerl:: namespace below
1; # end of package
# NEED FIX: triplicate export code
## no critic qw(ProhibitAutomaticExportation) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 14: allow global exports from Config.pm
# $OS_ERROR == $ERRNO == $!, $EVAL_ERROR == $@, $CHILD_ERROR == $?, $EXECUTABLE_NAME == $^X, $PROGRAM_NAME == $0, $OSNAME == $^O
# export various subroutines and variables to all who call 'use RPerl::AfterSubclass;'
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # Dumper() output must be sorted for lib/RPerl/Tests/Type_Types/* etc.
use Carp;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Exporter 'import';
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp08: can't include to_string(), type(), types(), name(), or scope_type_name_value() in @EXPORT here or in RPerl:: namespace below
1; # end of package
# NEED FIX: triplicate export code
package RPerl;
use File::Find qw(find);
use IPC::Cmd qw(can_run); # to check for `reset`
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils
## no critic qw(ProhibitUnreachableCode RequirePodSections RequirePodAtEnd) # DEVELOPER DEFAULT 1b: allow POD & unreachable or POD-commented code, must be after line 1
## no critic qw(ProhibitStringyEval) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 1: allow eval()
## no critic qw(ProhibitExplicitStdin) # USER DEFAULT 4: allow <STDIN> prompt
## no critic qw(Capitalization ProhibitMultiplePackages ProhibitReusedNames) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 3: allow multiple & lower case package names
## no critic qw(ProhibitAutomaticExportation) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 14: allow global exports from Config.pm
# export $RPerl::MODES, as well as various subroutines and variables to all who call 'use RPerl;'
our $MODES = { # see perl_modes.txt for more info
0 => { ops => 'PERL', types => 'PERL' }, # NEED FIX: should be types => 'PERL_STATIC'
1 => { ops => 'CPP', types => 'PERL' }, # NEED FIX: should be types => 'PERL_STATIC'
2 => { ops => 'CPP', types => 'CPP' }
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # Dumper() output must be sorted for lib/RPerl/Tests/Type_Types/* etc.
use Carp;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Exporter 'import';
# data type checking mode, disabled in RPerl system code which calls 'use RPerl;',
# changed on a per-file basis by preprocessor directive, see RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class::INIT
# NEED UPGRADE: enable in RPerl system code when bootstrapping compiler
our $CHECK = 'OFF';
our $DEBUG = 0; # $RPerl::DEBUG & env var RPERL_DEBUG are equivalent, default to off, see diag*() below
our $VERBOSE = 0; # $RPerl::VERBOSE & env var RPERL_VERBOSE are equivalent, default to off, see verbose*() below
our $WARNINGS = 1; # $RPerl::WARNINGS & env var RPERL_WARNINGS are equivalent, default to on, see warn*() below
our $TYPES_CCFLAG = ' -D__CPP__TYPES'; # rperltypes_mode.h defaults to CPPTYPES if PERLTYPES not explicitly set in this variable via rperltypes::types_enable()
# NEED UPGRADE: replace Data::Dumper with pure-RPerl equivalent?
#sub DUMPER {
# ( my $dumpee ) = @_;
# die ('in RPerl::DUMPER(), received undef argument, dying') if (not(defined($_[0])));
# return '**UNDEF**' if ( not( defined $dumpee ) );
# return $dumpee->DUMPER()
# if ( defined( eval( q{$} . ref($dumpee) . q{::DUMPER} ) ) );
# return Dumper($dumpee);
# print diagnostic (debug) message to STDERR, if either RPERL_DEBUG environmental variable or $RPerl::DEBUG global variable are true
sub diag {
( my $message ) = @_;
# print {*STDERR} 'in diag(), have $ENV{RPERL_DEBUG} = ' . $ENV{RPERL_DEBUG} . "\n";
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp17: default to off; if either variable is set to true, then do emit messages
if ( $ENV{RPERL_DEBUG} or $RPerl::DEBUG ) { print {*STDERR} $message; }
# if ( $ENV{RPERL_DEBUG} or $RPerl::DEBUG ) { print {*STDERR} "\e[1;31m $message \e[0m"; } # print in red
return 1; # DEV NOTE: this must be here to avoid 'at -e line 0. INIT failed--call queue aborted.'... BUT WHY???
# same as diag(), except require <ENTER> to continue
sub diag_pause {
( my $message ) = @_;
if ( $ENV{RPERL_DEBUG} or $RPerl::DEBUG ) {
print {*STDERR} $message;
my $stdin_ignore = <STDIN>;
return 1;
# print verbose user-friendly message to STDOUT, if either RPERL_VERBOSE environmental variable or $RPerl::VERBOSE global variable are true
sub verbose {
( my $message ) = @_;
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp17: default to off; if either variable is set to true, then do emit messages
print {*STDOUT} $message;
return 1;
# same as verbose(), except require <ENTER> to continue
sub verbose_pause {
( my $message ) = @_;
print {*STDOUT} $message;
my $stdin_ignore = <STDIN>;
return 1;
# clear STDOUT, if either RPERL_VERBOSE environmental variable or $RPerl::VERBOSE global variable are true
sub verbose_clear_screen {
if ( $OSNAME eq 'linux' ) {
my $reset_path = can_run('reset');
if ( defined $reset_path ) {
system $reset_path;
elsif ( $OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ) {
# cls is a shell builtin, not a command which can be found by can_run()
system 'cls';
else {
RPerl::warning(q{WARNING WOSCLSC00: Unknown operating system '} . $OSNAME . q{' where 'linux' or 'Win32' expected, skipping screen clearing} . "\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# print non-fatal warning message to STDERR, unless either RPERL_WARNINGS environmental variable or $RPerl::WARNINGS global variable are false
sub warning {
( my $message ) = @_;
# default to on; if either variable is set to false, then do not emit messages
if ( ( ( not defined $ENV{RPERL_WARNINGS} ) or $ENV{RPERL_WARNINGS} )
and $RPerl::WARNINGS )
# NEED ADDRESS? the two following lines should be equivalent, but warn causes false ECVPAPL03
print {*STDERR} $message;
# warn $message . "\n";
return 1;
sub analyze_class_symtab_entries {
( my $class ) = @_;
my $retval = q{};
my @isa_array = eval q{@} . $class . q{::ISA};
#print Dumper(\@isa_array);
my $isa_string = join ', ', @isa_array;
$retval .= '<<<<< BEGIN SYMTAB ENTRIES >>>>>' . "\n";
$retval .= $class . ' ISA (' . $isa_string . ')' . "\n\n";
#foreach my $entry ( sort keys %RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Header:: ) {
my @keys = eval q{sort keys %} . $class . q{::};
foreach my $entry (@keys) {
# my $glob = $RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Header::{$entry};
my $glob = eval q{$} . $class . q{::{$entry}};
$retval .= q{-} x 50;
$retval .= "\n";
$retval .= $entry . "\n";
# $retval .= ref \$glob, "\n"; # always says GLOB
if ( defined ${$glob} ) {
$retval .= "\t" . 'scalar';
my $ref_type = ref ${$glob};
if ( $ref_type ne q{} ) {
$retval .= "\t" . $ref_type . 'ref';
if ( @{$glob} ) {
$retval .= "\t" . 'array';
if ( %{$glob} ) {
$retval .= "\t" . 'hash';
if ( defined &{$glob} ) {
$retval .= "\t" . 'code';
$retval .= "\n";
$retval .= '<<<<< END SYMTAB ENTRIES >>>>>' . "\n";
return $retval;
our $BASE_PATH = undef;
our $INCLUDE_PATH = undef; # all RPerl system modules live here
our $SCRIPT_PATH = undef; # interpreted RPerl system programs live here
if ( ( not exists $INC{'RPerl/Config.pm'} )
or ( not defined $INC{'RPerl/Config.pm'} ) )
Carp::croak 'BIZARRE ERROR EINPL00: Non-existent or undefined Perl %INC path entry for RPerl/Config.pm, reported from within RPerl::Config, croaking';
my $rperl_config_pm_loaded = $INC{'RPerl/Config.pm'};
if ( not -e $rperl_config_pm_loaded ) {
Carp::croak 'BIZARRE ERROR EINPL01: Non-existent file ',
' supposedly loaded in %INC, reported from within RPerl::Config, croaking';
( my $volume_loaded, my $directories_loaded, my $file_loaded ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $rperl_config_pm_loaded, my $no_file = 0 );
my @directories_loaded_split = File::Spec->splitdir($directories_loaded);
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have pre-pop @directories_loaded_split = ', "\n", Dumper(@directories_loaded_split), "\n";
# pop twice if empty entry on top
if ( pop @directories_loaded_split eq q{} ) { pop @directories_loaded_split; }
my $rperl_pm_wanted = File::Spec->catpath( $volume_loaded, ( File::Spec->catdir(@directories_loaded_split) ), 'RPerl.pm' );
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have post-pop @directories_loaded_split = ', "\n", Dumper(@directories_loaded_split), "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $rperl_config_pm_loaded = ', $rperl_config_pm_loaded, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $rperl_pm_wanted = ', $rperl_pm_wanted, "\n";
my $rperl_pm_loaded = undef;
if ( ( exists $INC{'RPerl.pm'} ) and ( defined $INC{'RPerl.pm'} ) ) {
$rperl_pm_loaded = $INC{'RPerl.pm'};
# BULK88 20150608 2015.159: Win32 Bug Fix
# if ( not -e $rperl_pm_loaded ) {
if ( not -f $rperl_pm_loaded ) {
Carp::croak 'BIZARRE ERROR EINPL02: Non-existent file ', $rperl_pm_loaded, ' supposedly loaded in %INC, reported from within RPerl::Config, croaking';
# remove trailing '/'
if ( ( substr $directories_loaded, -1, 1 ) eq q{/} ) {
$directories_loaded = substr $directories_loaded, 0, -1;
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $directories_loaded = ', $directories_loaded, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $rperl_pm_loaded = ', ( $rperl_pm_loaded or '<undef>' ), "\n";
my $rperls_found = [];
my $rperl_pms_found = [];
# BULK88 20150608 2015.159: Win32 Bug Fix
#foreach my $inc_path ( $directories_loaded, @INC ) { # this doesn't work with Win32
# DEV NOTE: search order precedence for `rperl` command is OS paths, path of loaded RPerl/Config.pm (this file), Perl INC paths
foreach my $inc_path ( (split ':', $ENV{PATH}), File::Spec->catpath( $volume_loaded, $directories_loaded, '' ), @INC ) {
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, top of main foreach() loop, have $inc_path = ', $inc_path, "\n";
my $sub_inc_paths = [];
# push @{$sub_inc_paths}, $inc_path;
( my $inc_volume, my $inc_directories, my $inc_file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $inc_path, my $no_file = 1 );
push @{$sub_inc_paths}, $inc_directories;
my @directories_split = File::Spec->splitdir($inc_directories);
pop @directories_split;
push @{$sub_inc_paths}, File::Spec->catdir(@directories_split);
pop @directories_split;
push @{$sub_inc_paths}, File::Spec->catdir(@directories_split);
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, in main foreach() loop, have $sub_inc_paths = ', "\n", Dumper($sub_inc_paths), "\n";
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, in main foreach() loop, have $inc_volume = ', "\n", Dumper($inc_volume), "\n";
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, in main foreach() loop, have $inc_directories = ', "\n", Dumper($inc_directories), "\n";
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, in main foreach() loop, have $inc_file = ', "\n", Dumper($inc_file), "\n";
my $possible_rperls = [];
foreach my $sub_inc_path ( @{$sub_inc_paths} ) {
push @{$possible_rperls}, File::Spec->catpath( $inc_volume, $sub_inc_path, 'rperl' );
if ( $sub_inc_path ne q{} ) {
push @{$possible_rperls}, File::Spec->catpath( $inc_volume, File::Spec->catdir( $sub_inc_path, 'script' ), 'rperl' );
push @{$possible_rperls}, File::Spec->catpath( $inc_volume, File::Spec->catdir( $sub_inc_path, 'bin' ), 'rperl' );
else {
push @{$possible_rperls}, File::Spec->catpath( $inc_volume, 'script', 'rperl' );
push @{$possible_rperls}, File::Spec->catpath( $inc_volume, 'bin', 'rperl' );
foreach my $possible_rperl ( @{$possible_rperls} ) {
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $possible_rperl = ', $possible_rperl, "\n";
# BULK88 20150608 2015.159: Win32 Bug Fix
# if ( ( -e $possible_rperl ) and ( -x $possible_rperl ) ) {
if ( ( -f $possible_rperl ) and ( $OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : -x $possible_rperl ) ) {
my $is_unique = 1;
foreach my $rperl_found ( @{$rperls_found} ) {
if ( $rperl_found eq $possible_rperl ) { $is_unique = 0; }
if ($is_unique) { push @{$rperls_found}, $possible_rperl; }
if ( not defined $rperl_pm_loaded ) {
my $possible_rperl_pm = $inc_path . '/RPerl.pm';
# BULK88 20150608 2015.159: Win32 Bug Fix
# if ( -e $possible_rperl_pm ) {
if ( -f $possible_rperl_pm ) {
my $is_unique = 1;
foreach my $rperl_pm_found ( @{$rperl_pms_found} ) {
if ( $rperl_pm_found eq $possible_rperl_pm ) {
$is_unique = 0;
if ($is_unique) { push @{$rperl_pms_found}, $possible_rperl_pm; }
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $rperls_found = ', "\n", Dumper($rperls_found), "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $rperl_pms_found = ', "\n", Dumper($rperl_pms_found), "\n";
if ( scalar @{$rperls_found} == 0 ) {
die 'ERROR EEXRP00: Failed to find `rperl` executable, dying' . "\n";
my $rperl_found = $rperls_found->[0];
if ( scalar @{$rperls_found} > 1 ) {
RPerl::warning( 'WARNING WEXRP00: Found multiple `rperl` executables, using first located, ' . q{`} . $rperl_found . q{`} . "\n" );
my $rperl_pm_found = undef;
if ( defined $rperl_pm_loaded ) {
$rperl_pm_found = $rperl_pm_loaded;
else {
if ( scalar @{$rperl_pms_found} == 0 ) {
Carp::croak 'ERROR EINRP00: Failed to find RPerl.pm module, croaking';
foreach my $rperl_pm_found_single ( @{$rperl_pms_found} ) {
if ( $rperl_pm_found_single eq $rperl_pm_wanted ) {
$rperl_pm_found = $rperl_pm_found_single;
if ( not defined $rperl_pm_found ) {
Carp::croak 'ERROR EINRP01: Expected to find ', $rperl_pm_wanted, ' but instead found ', "\n", Dumper($rperl_pms_found), ', croaking';
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $rperl_pm_found = ', $rperl_pm_found, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $rperl_found = ', $rperl_found, "\n";
#( my $volume_rperl_pm, my $directories_rperl_pm, my $file_rperl_pm ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $rperl_pm_found, $no_file = 0 );
#( my $volume_rperl, my $directories_rperl, my $file_rperl ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $rperl_found, $no_file = 0 );
( undef, my $directories_rperl_pm, my $file_rperl_pm ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $rperl_pm_found, $no_file = 0 );
( undef, my $directories_rperl, my $file_rperl ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $rperl_found, $no_file = 0 );
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $volume_rperl_pm = ', $volume_rperl_pm, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $directories_rperl_pm = ', $directories_rperl_pm, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $file_rperl_pm = ', $file_rperl_pm, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $volume_rperl = ', $volume_rperl, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $directories_rperl = ', $directories_rperl, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $file_rperl = ', $file_rperl, "\n";
my @directories_rperl_pm_split = File::Spec->splitdir($directories_rperl_pm);
my @directories_rperl_split = File::Spec->splitdir($directories_rperl);
my @directories_base_split = ();
for my $i ( 0 .. ( ( scalar @directories_rperl_pm_split ) - 1 ) ) {
if ( $directories_rperl_pm_split[$i] eq $directories_rperl_split[$i] ) {
push @directories_base_split, $directories_rperl_pm_split[$i];
else {
for my $j ( 0 .. ( $i - 1 ) ) {
shift @directories_rperl_pm_split;
shift @directories_rperl_split;
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have @directories_base_split = ', "\n", Dumper(\@directories_base_split), "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have @directories_rperl_pm_split = ', "\n", Dumper(\@directories_rperl_pm_split), "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have @directories_rperl_split = ', "\n", Dumper(\@directories_rperl_split), "\n";
# NEED FIX: how do we catpath() with some $volume instead of catdir() below, without breaking relative paths?
$BASE_PATH = File::Spec->catpath( $volume_loaded, File::Spec->catdir(@directories_base_split), '' );
if ( $BASE_PATH eq q{} ) {
$INCLUDE_PATH = File::Spec->catpath( $volume_loaded, File::Spec->catdir(@directories_rperl_pm_split), '' );
$SCRIPT_PATH = File::Spec->catpath( $volume_loaded, File::Spec->catdir(@directories_rperl_split), '' );
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $BASE_PATH eq q{} = ', $BASE_PATH, "\n";
else {
$INCLUDE_PATH = File::Spec->catdir( $BASE_PATH, @directories_rperl_pm_split );
$SCRIPT_PATH = File::Spec->catdir( $BASE_PATH, @directories_rperl_split );
# print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $BASE_PATH ne q{} ', $BASE_PATH, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $BASE_PATH = ', $BASE_PATH, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $INCLUDE_PATH = ', $INCLUDE_PATH, "\n";
#print {*STDERR} 'in RPerl::Config, have $SCRIPT_PATH = ', $SCRIPT_PATH, "\n";
1; # end of package