Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

# Learning RPerl, Chapter 5, Exercise 1
# Accept one or more input files, and print their contents line-by-line in reverse order
# [[[ HEADER ]]]
use RPerl;
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.001_000;
# [[[ CRITICS ]]]
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
sub tac {
{ my void $RETURN_TYPE };
( my string_arrayref $command_line_arguments ) = @ARG;
$command_line_arguments = [ reverse @{$command_line_arguments} ];
foreach my string $file_name ( @{$command_line_arguments} ) {
if ( not( -e $file_name ) ) {
croak 'ERROR: File ', $file_name, ' does not exist, croaking';
if ( not( -r $file_name ) ) {
croak 'ERROR: File ', $file_name, ' is not readable, croaking';
if ( not( -f $file_name ) ) {
croak 'ERROR: File ', $file_name, ' is not a regular file, croaking';
if ( not( -T $file_name ) ) {
croak 'ERROR: File ', $file_name, ' is (probably) not text, croaking';
my integer $open_success = open my filehandleref $FILE, '<', $file_name;
if ( not $open_success ) {
croak 'ERROR: Failed to open file ', $file_name, ' for reading, croaking';
my string_arrayref $file_lines = [];
while ( my string $file_line = <$FILE> ) {
push @{$file_lines}, $file_line;
$file_lines = [ reverse @{$file_lines} ];
foreach my string $file_line ( @{$file_lines} ) {
print $file_line;
if ( not close $FILE ) {
croak 'ERROR: Failed to close file ', $file_name, ' after reading, croaking';
# [[[ OPERATIONS ]]]
tac( [@ARGV] );