Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

# [[[ HEADER ]]]
use RPerl;
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.001_000;
# [[[ CRITICS ]]]
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils
# [[[ OPERATIONS ]]]
my integer $i = 0;
my integer $j = 0;
print 'before outer loop, have current $i = ', $i, "\n";
print 'before outer loop, have current $j = ', $j, "\n";
# DEV NOTE: infinite loop
while ( $i < 3 ) {
print "\n";
print 'top of outer loop, have current $i = ', $i, "\n";
$j = 0;
while ( $j < 5 ) {
print 'top of inner loop, have current $j = ', $j, "\n";
if ( $j > 2 ) {
print 'bottom of inner loop, have current $j = ', $j, "\n";
print 'bottom of outer loop, have next $i = ', $i, "\n";
print "\n";
print 'after outer loop, have current $i = ', $i, "\n";
print 'after outer loop, have current $j = ', $j, "\n";