The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# [[[ HEADER ]]]
## no critic qw(Capitalization ProhibitMultiplePackages ProhibitReusedNames) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 3: allow multiple & lower case package names
package # hide from PAUSE indexing
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.004_000;
# [[[ CRITICS ]]]
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils
## no critic qw(ProhibitExcessComplexity) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 5: allow complex code inside subroutines, must be after line 1
## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
## no critic qw(ProhibitDeepNests) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 7: allow deeply-nested code
## no critic qw(RequireBriefOpen) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 10: allow complex processing with open filehandle
## no critic qw(ProhibitCascadingIfElse) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 12: allow complex conditional logic
use Config;
use Carp qw(croak);
package # hide from PAUSE indexing
package # hide from PAUSE indexing
# return to primary package namespace
package # hide from PAUSE indexing
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp001: keep track of all these hard-coded "semi-dynamic" integer data types
our string_hashref $ALTERNATE_TYPES_TO_PERLISH_TYPES = {
'__int8' => 'i8',
'__int16' => 'i16',
'__int32' => 'i32',
'__int64' => 'i64',
'__int128' => 'i128',
'int8_t' => 'i8',
'int16_t' => 'i16',
'int32_t' => 'i32',
'int64_t' => 'i64',
'int128_t' => 'i128',
# 'long long' => 'i64', # NEED ANSWER: is it more correct to map to 'longlong' instead of 'i64', as done below?
'long long' => 'longlong', # DEV NOTE: on Windows OS, real type "long long" is not shortened to "longlong" as in Linux
sub type_integer_bitsize {
# return (string_to_integer($Config{ivsize}) * 8); # return answer in bits, not bytes
return ($Config{ivsize} * 8); # return answer in bits, not bytes
sub type_integer_native {
return $Config{ivtype};
sub type_integer_native_ccflag {
my string $ivtype = $Config{ivtype};
# NEED ANSWER: is there some better way to support all the different types, rather than all this hard-coding?
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp001: keep track of all these hard-coded integer data types
if ($ivtype eq 'long') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__LONG';
elsif (($ivtype eq 'longlong') or ($ivtype eq 'long long')) { # DEV NOTE: match both Linux'ish 'longlong' & Windows'ish 'long long'; 'long long' is the real type
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp041: GMP does not support 'long long' or 'long double', will cause t/07_type_gmp.t to fail
# return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__LONG_LONG';
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__LONG';
elsif ($ivtype eq '__int8') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER____INT8';
elsif ($ivtype eq '__int16') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER____INT16';
elsif ($ivtype eq '__int32') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER____INT32';
elsif ($ivtype eq '__int64') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER____INT64';
elsif ($ivtype eq '__int128') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER____INT128';
elsif ($ivtype eq 'int8_t') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__INT8_T';
elsif ($ivtype eq 'int16_t') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__INT16_T';
elsif ($ivtype eq 'int32_t') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__INT32_T';
elsif ($ivtype eq 'int64_t') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__INT64_T';
elsif ($ivtype eq 'int128_t') {
return ' -D__TYPE__INTEGER__INT128_T';
sub type_integer_errorcheck {
# NEED ANSWER: should we be checking $Config{use64bitint}, $Config{use64bitall}, $Config{i64size}, $Config{i64type}???
if ((not exists $Config{ivsize}) or (not defined $Config{ivsize})) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREI00: Non-existent or undefined Perl config value $Config{ivsize}, croaking';
my string $ivsize = $Config{ivsize};
if ((not exists $Config{ivtype}) or (not defined $Config{ivtype})) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREI01: Non-existent or undefined Perl config value $Config{ivtype}, croaking';
my string $ivtype = $Config{ivtype};
if (exists $ALTERNATE_TYPES_TO_PERLISH_TYPES->{$ivtype}) {
my string $ivtypesize_key = $ivtype . 'size';
if ((not exists $Config{$ivtypesize_key}) or (not defined $Config{$ivtypesize_key})) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREI02: Non-existent or undefined Perl config value $Config{' . $ivtypesize_key . '}, croaking';
my string $ivtypesize = $Config{$ivtypesize_key};
if ($ivsize ne $ivtypesize) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREI03: Mis-matching Perl config values, $Config{ivsize} = ' . $ivsize . ', $Config{' . $ivtypesize_key . '} = ' . $ivtypesize . ', croaking';
sub type_integer_bitsize_dump {
foreach my $o (qw(ivsize ivtype use64bitint use64bitall intsize longsize longlongsize d_longlong i8size i8type i16size i16type i32size i32type i64size i64type)) {
print q($Config{) . $o . q(} = ) . $Config{$o} . "\n";
sub type_number_bitsize {
# return (string_to_integer($Config{nvsize}) * 8); # return answer in bits, not bytes
return ($Config{nvsize} * 8); # return answer in bits, not bytes
sub type_number_native {
return $Config{nvtype};
sub type_number_native_ccflag {
if ($Config{nvtype} eq 'double') {
return ' -D__TYPE__NUMBER__DOUBLE';
elsif ($Config{nvtype} eq 'longdbl') {
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp041: GMP does not support 'long long' or 'long double', will cause t/07_type_gmp.t to fail
# return ' -D__TYPE__NUMBER__LONG__DOUBLE';
return ' -D__TYPE__NUMBER__DOUBLE';
sub type_number_errorcheck {
# NEED ANSWER: should we be checking $Config{use64bitall}???
if ((not exists $Config{nvsize}) or (not defined $Config{nvsize})) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREN00: Non-existent or undefined Perl config value $Config{nvsize}, croaking';
my string $nvsize = $Config{nvsize};
if ((not exists $Config{nvtype}) or (not defined $Config{nvtype})) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREN01: Non-existent or undefined Perl config value $Config{nvtype}, croaking';
my string $nvtype = $Config{nvtype};
# DEV NOTE: I decided to programmatically approach the 'long double' issue in case 'longdouble' and 'longdbl' are both valid,
# instead of hard-coding one or the other in $ALTERNATE_TYPES_TO_PERLISH_TYPES;
# if nvtype contains whitespace, remove it: 'long double' becomes 'longdouble'
$nvtype =~ s/\s//gxms;
my string $nvtypesize_key = $nvtype . 'size';
if ((not exists $Config{$nvtypesize_key}) or (not defined $Config{$nvtypesize_key})) {
# try with 'dbl' instead of 'double'
if ($nvtype =~ m/double/gxms) {
$nvtype =~ s/double/dbl/gxms;
my string $nvtypesize_key_long = $nvtypesize_key;
$nvtypesize_key = $nvtype . 'size';
if ((not exists $Config{$nvtypesize_key}) or (not defined $Config{$nvtypesize_key})) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREN02: Non-existent or undefined Perl config values $Config{' . $nvtypesize_key_long . '} and $Config{' . $nvtypesize_key . '}, croaking';
else {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREN03: Non-existent or undefined Perl config value $Config{' . $nvtypesize_key . '}, croaking';
my string $nvtypesize = $Config{$nvtypesize_key};
if ($nvsize ne $nvtypesize) {
croak 'ERROR ERPTYREN04: Mis-matching Perl config values, $Config{nvsize} = ' . $nvsize . ', $Config{' . $nvtypesize_key . '} = ' . $nvtypesize . ', croaking';
sub type_number_bitsize_dump {
foreach my $o (qw(nvsize nvtype use64bitall doublesize longdblsize d_longdbl)) {
print q($Config{) . $o . q(} = ) . $Config{$o} . "\n";
1; # end of package