# -*- cperl -*-
# PODNAME: Spel Wizard class
# ABSTRACT: engine to build audio files from the spel files generated by SpeL and maintain their up-to-dateness
use strict;
package SpeL::Wizard;
use FindBin;
use Regexp::Common qw /number/;
use Digest::MD5::File qw(md5_hex);
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
$class = (ref $class ? ref $class : $class );
bless $self, $class;
$self->{auxDB} = {
newlabel => [],
bibcite => [],
$self->{argument} = $_[0];
$self->{config} = $_[1];
$self->{auxParser} = SpeL::Parser::Auxiliary->new();
$self->{chunkParser} = SpeL::Parser::Chunk->new();
return $self;
sub parseAuxFile {
my $this = shift;
my ( $verbosity, $test ) = @_;
my ( $volume, $path, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $this->{argument} );
my $auxFileName = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path, $file . '.aux' );
unless( -r $auxFileName ) {
warn( "- no $auxFileName available" ) if( $verbosity >= 2 );
return 1;
$this->{auxParser}->parseAuxFile( $auxFileName );
$this->{auxDB} = $this->{auxParser}->database();
$SpeL::Object::Command::labelhash = $this->{auxDB}->{newlabel};
$SpeL::Object::Command::citationhash = $this->{auxDB}->{bibcite};
if ( $test ) {
say STDOUT Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $this->{auxDB} ] , [ qw(auxDB) ] );
return 0;
return 1;
sub parseChunks {
my $this = shift;
my ( $verbosity, $test, $debug ) = @_;
$debug =~ s/\.tex$// if( defined( $debug ) );
my ( $volume, $path, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $this->{argument} );
my $spelIdxFileName = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path, $file . '.spelidx' );
unless( -r $spelIdxFileName ) {
warn( "- no $spelIdxFileName available" ) if( $verbosity >= 2 );
# count number of lines in spel file
my $nrLines = 0;
my $chunks;
my $spelIdxFile = _openIOFile( "$spelIdxFileName", '<', "input file" );
while( my $line = <$spelIdxFile> ) {
unless( $line =~ /(?:^format)|(?:^audiodir)|(?:^server)|(?:^chunkdir)|(?:^mac)|(?:^env)|(?:^language)/ ) {
# count number of chunks to read
# register in database
chomp( $line );
my ($label, $rest ) = split( /\|/, $line );
$chunks->{$rest} = 1;
die( "Error: found no chunks to read" ) unless $nrLines;
# open the playlist
my $m3uFileName = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path, $file . '.m3u' );
my $m3uFile = _openIOFile( $m3uFileName, '>', 'playlist' );
print $m3uFile
"#EXTM3U\n" .
"#EXTINF: Playlist for audiobook generated with SpeLbox\n";
# parse spel file
my $linenr = 0;
$spelIdxFile = _openIOFile( "$spelIdxFileName", '<', 'input file' );
my $tts = $this->{config}->{engine}->{tts};
my $audiodir;
my $chunkdir;
my $server;
my $exec;
my $format;
my $language;
my $languagetag;
my $voice;
my $m3u_db = {};
my $m3u_db_active = [];
my $fullFilePath;
my $ran_at_least_once = 0;
while( my $line = <$spelIdxFile> ) {
# parse the line
chomp $line;
my ($label, $rest ) = split( /\|/, $line );
if ( $label eq 'format' ) {
$format = $rest;
if( -r "$FindBin::Bin/$tts" ) {
$exec = "$FindBin::Bin/$tts";
else {
die( "Error: cannot find text-to-speech engine '$tts'" );
if ( $label eq 'language' ) {
$language = $rest;
$languagetag = $this->{config}->{languagetags}->{$language};
$SpeL::I18n::lh = SpeL::I18n->get_handle( $languagetag )
or die( "Error: I'm not capable of reading the language '$language'\n" );
die( "Error: engine '$tts' is not configured with a voice for language '$language'\n" )
unless exists $this->{config}->{voices}->{$language};
$voice = $this->{config}->{voices}->{$language};
if ( $label eq 'audiodir' ) {
$audiodir = $rest;
mkpath( $audiodir );
if ( $label eq 'server' ) {
$server = $rest;
if ( $label eq 'chunkdir' ) {
$chunkdir = $rest;
if ( $label eq 'envpp' ) {
my ( undef, $env, $argcount, $optarg, $replacement ) = split( /\|/, $line );
push @{$SpeL::Parser::Chunk::prepenvlist},
env => $env,
argc => $argcount,
optarg => $optarg,
replacement => $replacement,
if ( $label eq 'macpp' ) {
my ( undef, $macro, $argcount, $optarg, $replacement ) = split( /\|/, $line );
# a star must be a literal star, not a regexp star
$macro =~ s/\*/\\*/;
push @{$SpeL::Parser::Chunk::prepmacrolist},
macro => $macro,
argc => $argcount,
optarg => $optarg,
replacement => $replacement,
if ( $label eq 'macad' ) {
my ( undef, $macro, $argcount, $optarg, $reader ) = split( /\|/, $line );
$SpeL::Object::Command::macrohash->{$macro} =
argc => $argcount,
optarg => $optarg,
reader => $reader,
if ( $label eq 'envad' ) {
my ( undef, $env, $argcount, $optarg, $pre, $post )
= split( /\|/, $line );
$SpeL::Object::Environment::environmenthash->{$env} =
argc => $argcount,
optarg => $optarg,
pre => $pre,
post => $post,
my $filetoread = $rest;
next if( defined( $debug ) and ( $debug ne $filetoread ) );
$ran_at_least_once = 1;
die( "Error: $spelIdxFileName damaged - format not specified\n" )
unless defined $format;
die( "Error: $spelIdxFileName damaged - audio directory not specified\n" )
unless defined $audiodir;
die( "Error: $spelIdxFileName damaged - reader directory not specified\n" )
unless defined $chunkdir;
die( "Error: $spelIdxFileName damaged - language not specified\n" )
unless defined $language;
# make the path OS ready
$fullFilePath = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path,
File::Spec->catfile( $audiodir, split( /\//, $filetoread ) ));
# read the text from the chunk file
my $chunkFileName = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path,
File::Spec->catfile( $chunkdir, $filetoread . ".tex") );
say STDERR '- Treating ' . pack( "A56", $chunkFileName ) if ( $verbosity >= 1 );
print STDERR
" Parsing " . pack( "A50", $fullFilePath . ".tex" ) .
sprintf( "[%3d%%]\r", 100 * $linenr / $nrLines )
if( $verbosity >= 1 );
$this->{chunkParser}->parseDocument( $chunkFileName, $debug );
print STDERR
" Parsed " . pack( "A50", $fullFilePath . ".tex" ) .
sprintf( "[%3d%%]\r", 100 * $linenr / $nrLines )
if( $verbosity >= 1 );
my $text;
foreach( $label ) {
/^title$/ and do
$text = $SpeL::I18n::lh->maketext( 'title' ) . ": ";
/^author$/ and do
$text = $SpeL::I18n::lh->maketext( 'author' ) . ": ";
/^part\s+(.*)/ and do
$text = $SpeL::I18n::lh->maketext( 'part' ) . " $1: ";
/^chapter\s+(.*)/ and do
$text = $SpeL::I18n::lh->maketext( 'chapter' ) . " $1: ";
# make the activestack empty again
@$m3u_db_active = ();
/^((?:sub)*section)\s+(.*)/ and do
my ( $level, $label ) = ($1, $2);
# count the number of matches of sub in the section
my $count = () = $level =~ /sub/g;
# pop as many actives of the activestack until stack has appropriate length
pop @$m3u_db_active while( $count < $#$m3u_db_active );
# register yourself on the activestack
$m3u_db_active->[$count] = $rest;
# make sure every chunk and section registers on the m3u_db for all activestack levels
# see elsewhere in the code
# generate the level and labe text
$text = $SpeL::I18n::lh->maketext( $level ) . " $label: ";
# say STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $m3u_db_active ], [ qw(dba) ] );
/^((?:sub)?paragraph)$/ and do
my $level = $1;
# count the number of matches of sub in the paragraph and
# add three to it, as 0, 1 an 2 are taken by the sections,
# therefore a paragraph is 3 and a subparagraph 4
my $count = () = $level =~ /sub/g;
$count += scalar @{$m3u_db_active};
# pop as many actives of the activestack until stack has appropriate length
pop @$m3u_db_active while( $count < $#$m3u_db_active );
# register yourself on the activestack
$m3u_db_active->[$count] = $rest;
# make sure every chunk and section registers on the m3u_db for all activestack levels
# see elsewhere in the code
# a paragraph is not numbered and therefore does not need a lead-in.
$text = '';
# say STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $m3u_db_active ], [ qw(dba) ] );
/^footnote\s+(.*)/ and do
$text = $SpeL::I18n::lh->maketext( 'footnote' ) . " $1: ";
say STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $this->{chunkParser}->object()->{tree}->{ElementList} ],
[ qw( Parsetree ) ] )
if( $test );
$text .= $this->{chunkParser}->object()->{tree}->{ElementList}->read(0);
## clean up:
# double spaces
$text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
# trailing spaces
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
# trailing comma
$text =~ s/,$//;
if ( $test ) {
say STDOUT $text;
return 0;
else {
# preprocess the file if there is a translation file
my $canonicalvoice = $voice;
$canonicalvoice =~ s/:/-/;
my $trfilename =
File::Spec->catfile( File::ShareDir::dist_dir( 'SpeL-Wizard' ),
"$tts-$canonicalvoice.tr" );
if ( -r $trfilename ) {
my $trf = _openIOFile( $trfilename, "<", "translation file" );
while ( my $line = <$trf> ) {
chomp( $line );
$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my ( $key, $replace ) = split( /\s*:=\s*/, $line );
next unless( defined $replace );
$text =~ s/$key/$replace/gi;
my $text_md5_hex = "";
if ( defined( $text ) )
$text_md5_hex = md5_hex( $text ) . "-" . $languagetag;
$text = "";
$text_md5_hex = "";
warn( pack( "A74", "Warning: parser error on `$file'" ) . "\n" );
# read existing MD5 sum
my $MD5SumFile = IO::File->new();
my $md5sum = "";
if ( $MD5SumFile->open( "<$fullFilePath.md5" ) )
$md5sum = <$MD5SumFile>;
$md5sum = "" unless defined( $md5sum );
_writeToFile( "$fullFilePath.md5", $text_md5_hex );
if ( $md5sum ne $text_md5_hex )
print STDERR
" Creating " . pack( "A50", $fullFilePath . ".spel" ) .
sprintf( "[%3d%%]\r", 100 * $linenr++ / $nrLines )
if( $verbosity >= 1 );
# write spel file to disk
_writeToFile( "$fullFilePath.spel", $text );
my $command = [
"$voice" ];
my $out;
IPC::Run::run( $command, '>', \$out )
or die( "Error: could not start '$exec' with voice '$voice' " .
"(exit value $?)\n" );
# only write md5 file if audio generation was successful
if( -e "$fullFilePath.$format" ) {
_writeToFile( "$fullFilePath.md5", $text_md5_hex );
else {
die( "Error: audio generation was not successful.\n" .
" Check your text-to-speech setup\n" );
print STDERR
" Reusing " . pack( "A50", $fullFilePath . ".spel" ) .
sprintf( "[%3d%%]\r", 100 * $linenr++ / $nrLines )
if( $verbosity >= 1 );
# update the section m3u database
for( my $i = 0; $i < @$m3u_db_active; ++$i ) {
push @{$m3u_db->{$m3u_db_active->[$i]}}, "$filetoread.$format";
# update the global m3u file
# deze moet aangepast worden voor server-use
print $m3uFile ( ( $server eq 'local' ) ? "" : "$server/" ) . "$fullFilePath.$format\n";
die( "Error: nothing to read (wrong debug request?)\n" ) unless( $ran_at_least_once );
print STDERR
" Parsing " . pack( "A50", $fullFilePath . ".tex" ) .
sprintf( "[%3d%%]\r", 100 )
if( $verbosity >= 1 );
say STDERR "- Generating m3u playlists";
# write all m3u files corresponding to the (sub)sections
foreach my $key (sort keys %$m3u_db ) {
my $list = $m3u_db->{$key};
my $fn = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path,
File::Spec->catfile( $audiodir, $key . ".m3u" ) );
say STDERR " - Generating $fn";
if ( $server eq 'local' ) {
_writeToFile( $fn,
"#EXTM3U\n" .
"#EXTINF: section playlist generated with SpeLbox\n" .
join( "\n", @$list ) );
else {
_writeToFile( $fn,
"#EXTM3U\n" .
"#EXTINF: section playlist generated with SpeLbox\n" .
join( "\n", map { "$server/$audiodir/" . $_; } @$list ) );
# say STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $m3u_db ], [ qw( m3u_db ) ] );
# clean the speech directory from old files that are obsolete
say STDERR "- Cleaning directory " . pack( "A50", "'$audiodir'" );
my $audiodirpath =
File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path,
File::Spec->catfile( $audiodir, '' ) );
my $audiodirectoryglob =
File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $path,
File::Spec->catfile( $audiodir, "*" ) );
foreach my $file ( glob( $audiodirectoryglob ) ) {
my $basename = $file;
$basename =~ s/^$audiodirpath//;
$basename =~ s/\\?(.*)\.(?:tex|spel|md5|m3u|ogg|mp3|wav)$/$1/;
unless( exists $chunks->{$basename} ) {
say STDERR " - Deleting $file because obsolete";
unlink $file if ( -e $file );
sub _openIOFile {
my ( $fileName, $direction, $fileDesc ) = @_;
my $file = IO::File->new();
$file->open( "$direction$fileName" )
or die( "Error: cannot open $fileDesc `$fileName' for "
. ( ( $direction eq '<' ) ? "reading" : "writing" ) );
return $file;
sub _writeToFile {
my ( $fileName, $text ) = @_;
my $file = IO::File->new();
$file->open( ">$fileName" )
or die( "Error: cannot open file `$fileName' for writing\n" );
print $file $text;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Spel Wizard class - engine to build audio files from the spel files generated by SpeL and maintain their up-to-dateness
=head1 VERSION
version 20250129.1405
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new( argument, config )
constructor of the Wizard;
=over 4
=item argument: contains the basename (including path) of the .tex document
=item config: contains the configuration object
=head2 parseAuxFile( verbosity, test )
parses the aux file
=over 4
=item verbosity: verbosity level (the higher, the more info will be written to STDERR
=item test: runs the parsing in test mode if true
=head2 parseChunks( verbosity, test, debug )
parses the chunks file
=over 4
=item verbosity: verbosity level (the higher, the more info will be written to STDERR
=item test: runs the parsing in test mode if true
Parses .aux files and .spelidx files to convert .tex files into text and audio files.
This module is used in the spel-wizard.pl script.
=head1 AUTHOR
Walter Daems <wdaems@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2025 by Walter Daems.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007
=for stopwords Paul Levrie
Paul Levrie